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Hey early squad

Y'all, I'm really sorry for the long ass waits between chapters and short chapter, I'm not quitting writing or anything, school has just got me busy at and I can't find the time to write, I'm really sorry y'all.

Not edited


With a yawn, Taeyong awoke, his peaceful and much needed sleep being disturbed by banging on his hotel room's door. Hoping whoever it was would leave him alone, he dropped his head back onto his pillow and closed his eyes again.

But to no avail.


Grumpily, he got up, harshly throwing his covers off and walked to the door, throwing it opened. He was met with Johnny holding his fist to the door, about to knock again, Mark, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun behind him.

"This better be an emergency." He growled.

"Oh it is." Johnny said. "Taeil, Dongyoung, and Donghyuck are gone."

Mind a bit foggy from sleep, "What? What do you mean by 'gone'?" He asked. "Hyuck probably dragged them out to get some food or whatever."

"No, Hyung," Jaehyun said, "They're gone, their rooms are empty. Toiletries, gone; clothes, gone; luggage, gone."

   Taeyong looked at the group with no emotions before drawing a hand over his tired face. "You mean to tell me, three of our members suddenly vanished? Things and all?"


   "Please tell me you've tried texting and calling them?" He asked.

   "I've! None of them will answer my phone though...." Mark pipped up, excitedly holding his phone up before slowly lowering it as he spoke.

   "None of them?"

   Mark shook his head.

   Before another word could be spoken, a small ding chimed from Taeyong's phone on the desk. Everyone poked their head in the door as the leader sunk back into his room and picked up his phone. They watched in anticipation as Taeyong read the message by himself, watching as his face turned a shade lighter.

"Hyung, what does it say...?" Mark asked into the silence.

"From who?" Jungwoo asked in turn.

Running a hand through his already messy hair, Taeyong looked up a second before looking at his phone again, taking a breathe before reading the text allowed.

"From Hyuck: 'Hey Taeyong-Hyung, by the time you get this we'd be on a plane to Chicago. Mianhae. An emergency popped up with Yuta Hyung and the twins.... Dongyoung Hyung said we'll call you once we land or when it's all sorted but I didn't want you guys to worry. I have to go now, see you later.'"

"Chicago? Really?" Johnny asked bewildered.

   "Yo guys, we have a concert tomorrow..." Mark reminded, looking slightly panicked. "With then three gone, how..."

   "Yeah, with Dongyoung hyung's stubbornness, he won't leave until much later," Jungwoo says. "He'll miss the concerts if he has to."

Sighing, Taeyong gently pulled at his own hair, looking at the phone in his hands. God damn it... they're are main vocals without them the songs won't sound right... What do they do?

"Should we tell manager-Hyung and cancel the concerts...?" Jaehyun asked.

Johnny slightly nodded. "We should, if something happened with Yuta and the babies then they're definitely not going to come back soon enough for the concerts."

Considering the elders words and their options, Taeyong had his lips shut right as he thought before giving them an answer.

"Let's try called them for the next four hours, if they don't answer we'll do as Johnny says and tell manager-Hyung to cancel the concert, or at least postpone."

They murmured in agreement before separating, Johnny, Mark, and Jungwoo heading to Johnny's room to fool around while Jaehyun headed to his own room, presumably to either rest or catch up on recent dramas.

Taeyong shuffled back into his room like a turtle retreating to its shell, and sat on the side of the bed, staring at his phone before dialing a number and holding it up to his ear.

"We're sorry, the number you have dial is currently unavailable, please call again later—"



Again, I'm sorry for long waits only to get short af chapters, I really am.

See y'all next time 💚🌱

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