Just a little bit of my pathetic life

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Venting about my life.

WELL! Here's the fucking story about how my life sucks.

First let me get into the story about my boyfriend problems. His name is John, grew up with the guy. Family friends, BEST! Friends for years.

Practically brother and sister.. Kinda weird I know. Well We have an arranged marriage.. We're not married yet and with our relationship now probably never going to get married, I wouldn't mind marrying him.

I love him to death, he was my first and only love.. I lost my virginity to him, But that was years ago.

Things have changed and things will never be the same because he's so fucking gullible..

So! My life started getting worse when my brother got married his name is Johnny! Me and my family live in a 3 bedroom house but there's eight of us! So now that my brother got married I have to live on the front room couch, because there's no room for me and my twin sister to sleep!

I'll tell you why right now...

I have two brothers.. Both now married, and in our Culture.

The daughter in laws live with their in laws for a year until they have enough money of their own to move out, so my mom and dad have their bedroom, Johnny and his wife Kim have their room, and Georgio and Eva have their room. (Georgio is my other brother) and me and my twin sister live on the couches..

So back to when my life got worse..

Me and John had a argument,

He thought I was cheating on him. God only knows why.. But he thought that. So we argued broke up and we didn't talk for about 3 months..

So 3 months later he and his family come over, to my house and we go on a road trip.. Don't ask why because I really don't know, SO! We didn't talk to each other at all just ignored each other, so a week later I went to California for my cousins wedding. And when I went me and some

Friends went to six flags.. And my Ex just happened to be there.

So my ex called me when he seen me entering the park, and asked if I wanted to hang out with him..

The first thing I thought about was John, and if he found out that I even spoke to my ex. He would be mad and never talk to me again.. But then I thought about it and the last time I spoke to John was 3 months ago and the last words he told me was "I, Hate, You" so the thought about him telling me those words just turned my stomach so I say what the hell? What's the worse that can happen?

Well alot can happen.. Lets start that story shall we? :)

So we met up in the middle of the park but he had one of his guys friends with him and I had one of my girlfriends with me, his guy friend just happens to be my best friend also.

And my friend had a crush on him so I was trying to put them on a ride together, her name is Gina. And his name is nick,

Oh and btw my ex boyfriends name is Alex..

So Me Alex Gina and nick wait in line In 90 degree weather for about 45 minutes, me and Alex didn't talk.. It was just awkward silence,

Me Gina and nick wouldn't stop talking to each other and Alex was kinda just standing there, I tried to make conversation but he wouldn't budge..

So we went on the ride, got off.

We said our goodbyes and left the park after, a week later John calls me freaking out about how I went on a ride with Alex, and he couldn't believe I would do that to him.

So I got a little mad. And told him to fuck off, we weren't even dating! He had no right to tell me who I can and cannot hang out with!

So after he got all jealous. We decided to start dating, it was going good until one day he just broke up with me.. Saying all this bullshit about he's not ready for a relationship and he needs a little time,

So six months later..

I go back to California and go to a bridal shower.. I was drunk and so was my friend Stephanie..

So, my friend Stephanie sits me down and tells me about how John had a one night stand with a girl named Anna, of course I started crying because I was jealous.. And of course he made a sex tape with her,

A couple months later he calls me on a random night.. Telling me how much he misses me and kind of talking about out past relationship how we were happy, and loved each other.

So again.. We started dating.

Everything was going great!

Until someone called him, told him that I had nude photos. Which I don't! Btw. And so John breaks up with me,

Tells me that he hates me and never wants to speak to me again.

He has no proof of these nude photos of me because he never seen them, some random person just said that they have nude photos of me, and he's so fucking gullible that he believed that person over me. And broke up with me. I don't understand why a person would just make that up randomly about me, but I'm not worried. Nope! Because if John lays his eyes on a nude photo of a girl saying there me. He'll know it's not me because I have the weirdest most uncommon BELLY BUTTON in the world. It literally looks like a button!

So now I am sitting on my front couch at exactly 4:47 am,

Can't sleep and heart broken because the boy I love. Thinks I would actually cheat on him,

But it's okay because ill find someone new and live my life happily.. With out John in it,

I'm wasting my time writing this story about my pathetic life..

Sorry to all the people that Possibly died from boredom.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes if I made any? And THANKS FOR READING MY PATHETIC LIFE STORY! And please comment :) I'd really like to hear what u guys think about my life.. I know I'm not exactly popular on this site? But uhh.. YEAH! who cares right? Haha.. I'm sooo funny! Hml.. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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