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A/N: I am so happy about all the reads, etc. I’ve gotten for Love! Thank you all!

Ooh yeah, if you’re here and you haven’t read Love, you should probably do that because this story doesn’t work at all as a stand-alone.

I’ve kind of noticed that no one can pronounce my character’s names, (it’s not Tuh-jet-tree, guise, srsly) so here’s a handy-dandy little guide.

Tjetri Ikasi: (Tee-yay-tree Ick-ah-see)

Maitasun Gabezia: (Might-ah-sun Ga-bay-zee-ah)

And for this story:

Erregina Zakar: (Air-uh-jee-na Zah-car)

Baimen Hegaldia: (Bay-men Huh-gall-dee-ah)

You’re welcome. Hope you beauts enjoy the thrilling sequel to Love!

Entry title: Heartbreak

Entry code: 199782689189351-TI-2

Entered by: Tjetri Ikasi

Entry date: March 22nd, 2015

Note: In light of my home planet’s destruction and the annihilation of most of our species, I realize this entry is no longer directed to others like me, but humans. Humans who, although like us in physical appearance and culture, are mortal and have not lived thousands of Lifetimes on the planet Earth to accumulate all possible knowledge. Nor do humans understand the workings of our planet, our Missions, and everything else. Thus, I had to add in descriptions and explanations that bore me and any non-human readers. Sorry, not sorry.


I remember clearly when I left Maitasun. It was a sunny morning, and I had just managed to get myself and my Partner out of bed and dressed. I was somewhat surprised when I heard a knock at the door; we rarely had visitors. It was a man, only a few inches shorter than me, dressed in all white… obviously some kind of official messenger. He told me that I was to depart on a solitary Mission in under an hour. I was quite sad about it, of course, but I had been strong about it. Not that I felt that it had been fair at all: to give me another Mission, leaving Maitasun alone at home… He and I had only spent mere months together. Blissful, perfect months that seemed even shorter due to how long we had both existed in total. But neither of us could change what was destined to happen. Maitasun had tried to reason with the man informing me of my necessary departure. And by reason with him, I mean yell and cry and try to attack the poor man. 

“No, No! Tjetri can’t leave! You can’t make him go! He has to stay here!” Maitasun was hysterical as he latched onto me so hard it almost hurt.

The messenger was wide-eyed and somewhat terrified at my Partner’s outburst. 

“Sir, can you give us a minute? I promise I’ll be out soon,” I asked him calmly, as quietly as I could and still be heard over Maitasun’s sobbing. He nodded and stepped out. I pushed the door closed before turning to my lover. 

HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now