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January 4th 2020 *Jude's P.O.V*

I was waiting in the nurses office, because someone just had to have their way today. Gosh, he's so annoying at times. What was he even thinking pulling a stunt like that. I could've gotten seriously hurt. That Baka.

I was sitting there waiting for the nurse to discharge me, when the person who put me in there decided to pay me a visit.

*Knock, Knock*

He slowly opened the door and started walking towards the bed. "Hey Jude are you okay? I'm really sorry about what I did," it was Axel and in the one had he had my goggles, and in the other a box of chocolates.
"I hope this makes up for what I did. You forgive me right?" He asked placing everything on the table next to the bed.

"Ya right, like that makes up for the fact that I have a literal scar over my left eye! You could have killed me Ax!"
He didn't seem fazed, just walked up to me and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"It makes you look cute if you ask me~" Axel whispered in my ear. That made me slightly blush, but I was still mad at him. "I don't care just get out, I'll see tomorrow," I said glaring at him.

"Woah! Tomorrow what do mean tomorrow! I'm walking you home after school, I mean it's the least I can do for you Ju-ju!" He said pouting. 'God why are you always so cute?'

"I don't care Ax get out, or else," I threatened him. Axel just sighed and sat down next to me. "Listen I truly am sorry Ju-ju, it's just seeing you talk to him that way freaks me out," Axel sighed while clenching his fists. 'Oh is that why I got hit in the face... Axel was just jealous, how childish.'

I didn't say anything, just kept quiet and played with the sheets. If I'm being honest I couldn't care less about other guys. The only person I care about is Axel. "Listen Ax I know it's not easy for you, but this is starting to freak me out. Stop or I'll be forced cut all contact with you."

"Wait, now don't say that! I was just kidding!" Axel tried to justify his point. Just then Mark, Nathan, Kevin and the managers burst through the door with extremely worried faces. "Jude are you okay we heard what happened and we came as soon as we could!" It was Nathan and he looked the most worried out of all of them, which didn't seem to sit right with Axel.

"Ya, I'm okay guys, mister boyfriend killer over here just came to apologize for what he did." They all looked over at Axel who had a blank face. "In my defense I was protecting you Ju-ju."

"Or really from what?"

"From boyfriend stealers," he huffed. We all burst out laughing, which made only him snuggle up to me and stick his tongue out at us.

"Wow I never knew Axel to be such a clingy person. Are you sure he doesn't overwhelm you Jude," Kevin asked with a playful face. The others started laughing once more, while I just chuckled.

"No he's quite alright, and he's all I need..."


That was over a year ago when we were still in Raimon, now I'm in Polestar, and my relationship with Axel isn't as strong as it was before. We still keep in touch, but being an ambassador, juggling school and our personal lives... Our relationship has taken the backseat.

The Polestar team enjoy hearing of my relationship with Axel and the other ambassadors. Especially Elliott and Acker, I can see their relationship blossoming slowly but surely.

I just wish our relationship's petals weren't falling off one by one...

'Wonder if you feel the same way Axel... Or if you feel that I'm the one overwhelming you...'


Thanks for reading comment on what you think.

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