Chapter Twenty One "Apology"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{3:20 p.m.}

"Wait... so that's how Socks saw you guys?" Tbh said with a little sarcasm in his tone as he looked between the spaceman and the 14 year old kid. Nadwe nodded slowly in response,a little embarrassed about the story while Socks chuckled quietly.

" you know how you umm... died...?" Socks asked in curious. Tbh thought for a while before he shook his head. "I'm not sure. I was already like this when I woke up so I guessed that the murderer took action while the others and I were asleep" He explained.

Socks nodded his head nervously since he now knew that the murderer will even took action while they were asleep and maybe even more things. They stayed silent for a while until Laff spoke.

"I suspect that the one who killed you is Blaza but not the real one." Laff said,breaking the silent. Tbh raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean by 'not the real one' ?" He asked.

Laff looked at him. "Don't you noticed? He's acting really strange and we saw him died at the explosion but now he's alive with the others in the cave" He explained. "And Dino said that Blaza could see him so he probably could see us too" Nadwe added.

"Speaking of Dino,I didn't saw him in the cave with the others. I only found him" the British man said as he pointed at the crab spirit. "So...he's missing?" Nadwe asked. "You can said that" Laff said. "Blaza might be include in his disappearance" he added.

Socks stayed silent for a while before asking. "Has anyone thought of getting off the island?" The three spirits were surprised,hearing the questions before Nadwe spoke up. "Actually how are we gonna get off the island after the vacation is over in the first place?" He asked the important part.

"The cruise will eventually arrived after the 7 days vacation over. So,the cruise will arrived in three days from now on" Laff answered. The spaceman nodded in response. "Socks,can you walk on your feet now? You can't stay in the cave forever and you've been healing for 2-3 hours." Laff asked.

"I think I can" Socks said as he stood up carefully. "It will still hurt a bit but I think I can handle it" he said as he hissed in pain. "You should try find the others so we don't have to spilt into teams to look over you guys" Tbh suggested. "And we won't get missing like how Dino is right now" Nadwe added.

"Ok..." Socks mumbled,the pain still hurting him. "We will turned invisible after you left the cave since it will a high chance for someone to saw us outside. But don't worry we will still be around you." Laff said.

"Aren't we gonna search for Dino?" Tbh asked. The gas man shook his head. "Sadly no. We can't risk any of us going missing again cause we might ended up how Blaza is right now." Laff explained. Tbh nodded in response although he was kinda sad about it.

"Well,we will be going our separate groups now. Be careful."

(Thanks for @StarUniverseXD for the word 'cruise' at chapter two) 😊

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{4:00 p.m}

Meme was in front of where Tbh's grave located on his knees. After hearing the explanation from his friends,the crab death remains a mystery to them and the only clue they have was the black liquid which the doctor,Meme himself didn't even know what it was.

He was gonna blame Woolf,Joocie and Blaza for Tbh's death but he didn't want to have history repeating again. After all,the doctor owed the crab an apology. He shouldn't have let him explain then he wouldn't have ran away from the cave and he might can prevent his death too. But Meme thought for a second,if he didn't ran away from the cave,Muffin might be left alone in the forest all alone with injuries.

All those guilty thoughts were overwhelming the doctor mind that the tears were running down his cheeks again. He looked at the grave once again and took a shaky breath.

" were a great friend to me. When we first meet,we were making fun of each other. You were making fun about my medical degree and I was making fun of your sea obsession. But eventually we did proved to each other it was fun in the ocean and it was great to save people from their accidents" Meme spoke slowly as more tears started running down his cheeks.

"B-But now... I can't save you and it was all because I didn't let you explain the situation. I-I shouldn't have think before making conclusion." He said with sadness in his tone. "I know you can't hear me right now and I would never know will you forgive me but..." He continued.

"I'm sorry..."

As Meme said that,he rubbed his face from the tears that were all over his face. He slowly stood up and looked at the grave one more time before walking back to the cave slowly. "Hope you are doing well,Tbh..." He mumbled.

After Meme had left for a few minutes,a red figure appeared at the grave. The figure was looking at the direction where the doctor walked away and smiled softly. He looked around his surroundings before he opened his mouth and mumbled.

"I forgive you,Meme"

Chapter Twenty One 🥲!!

Summary: After Laff had explained to Tbh about his new form,Socks went out to search for his friends while the three spirits look out for their friends safety. Meanwhile,an apology was took place at the crab grave by the doctor.

Yes, I agreed with you. I'm bad at writing sad scenes but I tried my best.

Thanks for 1.45+k and 125 votes!!!
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1003

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