Chapter 48

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Namjoon found himself pacing from right to left on a corridor he definitely should not be at this late hour of the night. When he had made up his mind to get in his car and drive to Elle's apartment, he had some solid thoughts that it would be better if he was to apologize to her the sooner he could and bring all the awkwardness that was eating him up and torturing his thoughts to a halt but now that he found himself actually out of her door, he felt like the world was closing on him.

The time was almost midnight. Just what did he want at such an hour there? No matter how much he was bothered by what had gone down earlier and how much he came to realize that he most likely had behaved wrongly with her and had misunderstood her, was it really necessary for him to apologize to her? His pride whispered to him that she was not gonna demand such a thing ever despite what had happened nor his brother would ask him to do so most likely yet what had won over his pride was his suspicions over his own self that had managed to creep so far inside him to the point that he grew desperate to shut them up and prove them wrong.

Whatever was that he had been sensing and misunderstanding as seduction from her side, must not be because he unconsciously would like that being the case. She must be at fault even if she did not do it purposely. The fact that he misunderstood her was definitely her blame for she had given him mixed signals that made him uncomfortable and unsafe around her. Maybe something inside him deep down knew that she had something with his brother and that may be the reason why he started detesting the thought so much, or even the fact that he literally had a girlfriend who was gonna get engaged to very soon. Whatever was that had made him think of her like that, it came from her and he surely was not gonna apologise for that for he didn't doubt that.

He was obligated, however, to apologize for he had accused her of purposely doing so while that proved to be not true for according to Jin, the only reason she was trying to be friendly and caring with him, was because he had asked her to look after him. He definitely didn't like the thought of stepping over his ego and spitting those apologetic words to her but for his brother and for the sake that this was the right thing to do, he took a deep breath and pressed her doorbell twice then pulled his hand back in the pocket of his coat, as if he was trying to hide the evidence of a weapon that helped him commit a crime.

His breathing got sharper as he waited for her to come at the door and his right foot started tapping against the floor rhythmically, while in his head he encouraged himself to give her a brief apology at the doorstep and leave with a clearer mind and free of the subtle guilt and shame over his own actions that were not leaving him alone.

Once her witnessed the doorknob twisting, he took off his hands from his pockets and straightened his posture as if he was about to be judged for his appearance then he took in a sharp breath just as Elle showed herself behind her door, with her cheeks looking red and her eyes being half-open.

"What brings you here at such an hour, Sir?" She asked him in a voice that appeared way weaker than he was used to hearing her, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before they wandered around and fell on the floor.

"Ah...I...I wanted to apologize for earlier...I-Wow, there~" He unconsciously extended his hands to get hold of her body that almost fell forward but she held on to the door frame on her own, before he got the chance to catch her.

"I am sorry. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness but I am afraid I am not in the right state to make time for you. I hope you forgive me." She forced herself to smile, despite the fact that her vision was blurry and his voice was sounding muffled in her ears for her fever had gone up and she was literally burning up alone in her bed, waiting for the medication she took to take effect and end her suffering, but apparently, her emotional state and the mess she went through today, had added negatively to her already weak health, leading her to this state, that she barely brought herself to stand on her own feet, before him and reply logically despite how much her thoughts were scattered.

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