Chapter 1

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My feet hurt but I couldn't be more grateful for my work at the hospital as a nurse, I get to help so many people, and I love seeing them leave with a smile on their faces.

My name is Catalina I'm 24 years old, I'm a nurse at our Center Hospital here in Tulsa. I graduated a year ago, I'm a Christian woman and I live with my parents. I'm grateful for my life everyday but lately I have been dreading going home, something I never felt before. My parents are forcing me into an arranged marriage, and I barely know the guy. His name is Julian. Yes we go to the same church, but the only reason they are making me marry him is because he will be able to provide for me and that makes me extremely sad, because I always wanted to get married to someone I love.
And I know what you are thinking... I'm a grown up woman I should simple say I don't want to marry him. But I grew up learning to respect my elders and I just can't go against them and lose the love they have for me. I have been praying to God and I feel in my heart that this isn't what he wants me to do, but I see no way out. I pray that God shows me what to do, I really do!

Instead of just staying here thinking about all of this I remember that probably should get ready if I don't want to be late to work. So I get out of bed, the cold hits my skin reminding me that is fall! One of my favourite seasons! I run to my in suit bathroom and start the shower. After I'm done I wrap myself in a towel, wash my teeth and go back to my room. My room has light violet walls and white furniture. Simple but I love it. For my clothes I go with a plain white shit and jeans with a brown oversized jacket.
I don't really wear makeup unless it's a special even. You might be thinking.. You are a plain girl, but that how I like it.

I get in my car and drive to the hospital, being a nurse I work a tone of hours but it's so good to be able to help other people. When I get the I park in the employee section and head inside. From the people in the waiting room I would say it is packed today. I greet Margarita that is on the check in area behind the counter and go through the double doors. In the locker room I get in my work clothes and head to my post to find wich patients I have to check, as soon as I grab my file, I'm called.
"Cat!" I look and see the head nurse, she is like my team leader. "I need your help with some stitches, I have two patients waiting for me. Tonight there was an MMA fight and we have our hands full."
"No problem Angela. Which room?" I smile at her, see looks very tired.
"Oh dear you are a sweetheart. It's 147." She said with a smile.
"Ok on my way. Oh and if you need any help with any of your patients just let me know, I will be happy to help." I smile at her and start walking towards room 147.
"Thanks dear. But if you have a look at your files you also have your ands full besides all the other ones that are still coming in! We have a busy night!" I turn around and give her a smile before heading my way.

I get to room 147 and get in. Patient Marcus Black, 26 yo, trauma to the head, stitches needed. I look up and finally realize that he is looking at me. He is tall, well built, and has tattoos in his arms. Brown dark hair, sharp jawline and caramel eyes. I instantly felt attracted to this men, something that never happened before to me. He clears his throat as to get my attention. I jump and my cheeks turn red, I got caught eyeing him. The smirk on his face confirms it.
I clear my throat. " I'm sorry, my name is Catalina and I will be doing your stitches tonight." I smile.
He looks me up and down. "Aren't you a little young to be a nurse? Do they give jobs to children now?"
At his words a frown appears in my face, but I decide that being nice is always the best so I smile at him and say. " Actually I'm 24 yo I graduated a little bit earlier that usual but I assure you that you will be in good hands." He looks at me sideways but nods. I ask him do laydown. And start doing my job.
As soon as I finish the stitches I tell him that he can check the in a mirror that is on the other side of the room. He gets up and checks them. As I'm cleaning things up I jump at the sound of his voice.
"I have to give it to you. They are probably the best stitches I have ever received.. so thanks and I'm sorry for judging you." I look up at him he is way taller than me, like I barely hit his shoulder. I see sincerity in his eyes and smile. (yes I smile a lot, because kindness is my way to go)
"Well thank you. You were actually a really nice patient, most people keep complaining about the pain." I see him trying to look for something in my eyes but I can't really point it out. So I continue. " Anyway in two weeks you should make an appointment to check the stitches and take them out if it's already healed. But I would advice to try and not get hit on your head for the next two weeks." He laughs, it's like the best laugh I ever heard.
"That would be hard doll, taking into account that I fight for a living." And he smirks, I really don't like when people do that.
"I know that but you should lay off fighting for the next two weeks if you don't want to come in with a more serious damage to the head wich could prevent you from continuing your career. " When I look at him he is frowning, it doesn't suit him at all. I wanna take it away but I don't know how or why.
"How bad was the head injury?" He asks. I look at him in surprise.
" The doctor didn't tell you?"
"He did I just wasn't really paying attention cause they always make it sound worse than it is.."
My shock is evident in my face and he just frowns deeper.
" Well.. It is quite bad. You took several blows to the head and it could have cause internal damage that is might not show on the scans just yet. So, please, avoid fighting in the next two weeks and if you feel really bad headaches or diziness please come straight to the ER. " I watch is facial expression with worry.
"That bad huh?!" I nod. "Ok I will do that. Thanks for informing me" He turned to leave and I just couldn't hold myself.
"Did you win?" He looked at me surprised. " I mean I don't really understand anything about MMA and I just can't figure out why beat people for a living but I guess I'm just curious.. did you win?" I ask again. He smiles a true smile and he looked so good.
"You don't understand cause you are too pure and good, but some of us just aren't. But yes I did win" I smile at him and he takes is leave.
The rest of my shift went uneventful, but he kept coming back to my mind. And I couldn't help but ask God if he would be right for me even if he does fight for a living? Would that be acceptable in church, how would people react?!

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