The good spirit

241 9 1

Springtrap's P.O.V

As I see Drake and Mike dash out of the office, I go back to the parts and service, walking close behind them to make sure they don't get jumped by any of the animatronics, though that's likely not gonna happen. I walk into the parts and service and pop my head through the doorway.

"That was the most terrifying experience I've ever had. Remind me not to come here ever again." Mike says walking towards the door with Drake. I then see him staring back at the stage and puts on a victorious smile. Then looks toward the parts and service and then right at me. I smile warmly at him and wave him goodbye. He smiles back at me and waves, his smile getting slightly wider.

"See you soon Springtrap." I hear him say.

"Bye." I say. With that I pop my head back into the parts and service. 

"Ready to go?" I hear Drake say to Mike.

"Definately." He responds. Then I hear the door opening and the sounds of their footsteps walking out of the pizzaria. I then close the door to the parts and service and sit on the floor with my back against the bloodstained wall.

"Finally, the night is over and those two are safe." I say. I then feel a sharp pain in my head and see a flicker of purple light coming from my eye socket. I hold my head in pain. I let out a long sigh and put my hand on my chest to try and relax myself. Soon after the pain goes away, but the people glow is still there.

"Damn. That was an intense night." I say.

Wow, we actually agree about something for once

Just as I thought all the bas things were over, she has to show up. I'm not in the mood for this.

"Do you really think it's necessary for you to show up now? Now of all times?" I say bitterly.

I don't wanna argue with you today Springtrap

"Oh really? I highly doubt that puppet." I say folding my arms.

Look, I know we have a strong hatred toward each other, but you need to listen to me

"Yeah right, like I'm in the mood to listen to whatever you have to say" I growl.

It's about Drake...

My eyes go wide with concern. I stare at her jaw dropped.

"What about him?" I ask.

Oh, so now you're willing to listen?

"Just tell me!" I shout.

Fine. There's something you should know about him

"Like what?" I ask.

Haven't you wondered at all why he's able to see me and the other kids' spirits?

"Of coarse I have, at some point in time. But why are you bringing this up now?" I ask.

Because Goldy is the one who gave him that purple eye of his 

I stare at her shocked. Did she really just say what I think she said? And if so, then why on earth would Goldy do that? What's their plan?

"You're joking right?" I ask. She sakes her head silently.

"Why? Why would Goldy do that? And why would he pick Drake of all people?" I ask her sternly.

Because he thinks that Drake can end the cycle of pain that you caused

"What? What are you talking about? 'end the cycle of pain'? What does that even mean? And why does Drake have to be involved?" I ask.

Because he's the only kid that has the guts to come back here after nearly dying. No other kid his age, or even older, would do that

I think for a second. She has a point. I can't believe I'm saying it but she's right.

Also... He can finish what my father started

"He does look a lot like Henry." I mutter. Then a new question pops up in my head.

"Wait, if you think he can break the cycle, then why are you guys trying to kill him?" I ask.

Hey, I'm not the one trying to kill him. That was Gabriel's idea. Besides, why would I wanna kill one of my...

She pauses. I wonder what she was gonna say.

"What were you gonna say?" I ask her suspiciously.

Nothing, forget about it. Point is, I'm not gonna kill him. I wanna make sure he ends the cycle of pain once and for all.

"Oh, I understand. But shouldn't you be telling him this? Why tell me?" I ask.

Because I need you to protect him from the others

"Protect him? I already do that." I say.

Yeah, but he needs it now more than ever

"Why?" I ask.

You'll see why soon enough, but right now I gotta go

"Wait, what? No, I need answers." I say. But before I know it, she's gone.

"Ugh, damnit!" I say punching the wall.

"What are you so mad about? If anything you should be happy. That spirit is finally gone and we can sit here in peace."

"But aren't you even a little concerned about what she said? Why would he need me to protect him? And why didn't she finish that sentence earlier?"

"You're overthinking this, just relax. If you're this desperate for answers then you're only gonna wait longer until they appear. Just wait it out and you'll get the answers you're looking for."

"Okay fine." I say. But the thoughts are still spiralling around in my head. I can't get over what that ghost said. What did she mean by that? And where did she have to go? But most importantly, why do the other animatronics want him dead if he could help them? So many questions. And as much as I want them all answered, the voice in my head is right. I'll find the answers eventually. I just hope that whatever those spirits are planning doesn't end up with Drake almost dying again.


Status update, my brain feels less mushy and is able to work better. Which is why I managed to finish this chapter about an hour after finishing the last one. Now you guys get two chapters for the day instead of one. You're welcome. But anyway, that's all for today, hope you guys enjoyed reading the chapter and I'll see you in the next one.

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