The Day I Came Home

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The Day I Came Home (werewolf story)

            Hey! My name is Jessica (Jess) Wolff. I'm 17 almost 18. I have brown eyes, brown and blond hair, I'm 5'6, and I'm alpha of the Blood Moon. Yes, that's right I'm a werewolf and a girl alpha. As far I know I'm the only girl alpha ever. I have 2 brothers that are twins, Cody and Dean both 19. They both have blue eyes and brown hair; they also have the name "player" written across their forehead. :P

My father Alex is the alpha of the Blue Moon pack.  My mother, well I really don't know what she was, she died was I was 3 so I don't know her, but my dad and brothers say I look just like her.

~Jess P.O.V.~

            UGH! Stupid arm! Why did I have to get shot? Oh, yeah, the "hunters". God! How I hate the "hunters," they kill us , or try to anyway, just because they think that we have bad people and we should be kept in cages just like dogs would be.


            "Ouch! What the hell!" I screamed as I woke up in a bright-white room. I looked down at my self and I saw that I was hooked up to these machines thingies. 'Ohh!!! No! Not this again, I'm gone.'

*End of flashback*

A tear slowly makes it down my face as I drove to the pack house. The pack house is where my pack or my family (not my real family, they don't care about me) lives. As I got out of my 67' black Mustang, the smell of a home cooked meal, makes my mouth water. Bur before I could have a second of peace, I smell another werewolf pack, in my house! As I jog but to my 5 story marble house, the smell gets stronger and stronger I thought I smelt it before.  You see being a werewolf; you have a great memory of smells, people, and other things.

            As I got to the door it swings open, and I was given' a huge hug from my aunt Mary and my uncle John. You see, Mary and John are mates, which means that they have a strong love for each other and that could never be broken.



I was standing there laughing at them cause they may be mate but they fight non-stop. "Uncle John, Aunt Mary, I'm fine, I just got shoot but it is almost healed." I said to them.

They both stop fighting and look at me as if I am nuts!

"Jess, you know you have been gone a week!?" said John slowly.

I rolled my eyes and said "WHAT, A WEEK, wow time flys." I walk in the door with those two at my heals!

"I'm going to be........." I start to say but as I look up I see a pack of werewolf with my dad and my 2 brothers in front looking at me with love? What?

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" I scream in alpha tone. My pack slowly backs away because they know that happens when I get mad, I kill! John comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder because he knows how much I hate my dad.

*John P.O.V.*

'O shit, O shit, O shit'

*Alex (Jess's dad)*

Wow! My baby has really grown up. She looks like her mother so much. To bad that her mother is not her to see her, and to see that she is alpha of the one strongest packs in world.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" my baby, Jess, scream in alpha tone. I see her pack move away slowly, maybe we should back up too, I said to my pack using a mind connection. A mind connection is what a pack uses in human and pack form it is like talking to people in your head. It comes in handy when we are in a war and when in wolf form. (Good idea!) the pack said to me. Wow, she looks as if she could kill. As we were backing up I see my brother John put a hand on shoulder, trying to calm her.

(Good luck, trying to clam her) I sent to John, and John sent back (Shut up! Can't you see she is hurt and I was there for her when you weren't so she trusts, me more.)

*Jess P.O.V.*

"IS ANYONE GOING TO ANSWER ME?! YOU KNOW WHAT, WHATEVER, I'M GOING TO BED AND WHEN I GET UP I WANT YOU GONE FATHER AND IF I SEE OR HEAR THAT YOU ARE ON MY LAND AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU WITHOUT THINKING! GOT IT GOOD THAT GET OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK!" I said as I walked to the stairs, my father and his pack gave me looks as if my crazy. 'What I said I will live up to', I though as I walked up the stairs. 

 Author note-

Ok guys, do you like it so far please let me know if you do.

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