Chapter 1

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'Jayden Daniel Prescott will you take April Olivia Jones to be your wife through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, poor and wealth and to love and to hold', 'I do!'..........."APRIL , APRIL, WAKE UP", my best friend ally yelled in my ear, snapping me out of my day dreams and back into the horrible, harsh, cruel reality.

"I can't believe your daydreaming during science, the teacher just explained what we have to do in the test tomorrow",Ally said. Oh shit, we have a test tomorrow! I didn't even know that, I'm going to fail! "Oh my god, are you serious, I'm going to fail this test, I am going to get" then I was interrupted by the sound of laughing, "Ally it's not funny I'm seriously going to fail science", Ally replied with "chill I was only messing around with you, you should really listen in class, you should have seen your face". When she calmed down from her laughing fit I nudged her in the ribs saying, "I'll get you back, so you better watch out", I said raising my eyebrows, "whatever, you can't fool the master of fooling people", she said with a cheeky grin, I couldn't help it but laugh at her trying to be cocky.

It was last period in English and I couldn't stop starring at Jayden Prescott in the row in front of me, Gosh he was perfect, all the girls in school were head over heels with Jayden even I was but at least I didn't show it. I had a reputation to maintain, rebel, not a care in the world, mysterious, too cool for school and I definitely didn't dress to attract boys like most girls in Macintosh school, you know short short skirts and a crop top that showed cleavage, I would never wear anything like that in fact I wore skinny jeans, worn out converse shoes, a plan top or a white and black striped top, a cute denim jacket and I had my blondish/brownish hair in a messy bun. But I'm not the skinniest girl in Macintosh but at least Im not overweight but I am taller than most girls, I have bluey/ greeny eyes and I am pale with a few freckles. So that's me, not the hottest girl in the world but wouldn't call myself ugly.

Few minutes before the bell rings a girl besides me passes a note to me and whispers, "it's from Bristie", then I toke the note from the girl and looked at Bristie she was smiling, giggling and she was whispering something to Amanda her best friend, then Amanda pulls out her phone out, probably to film my reaction from this note. I scrunched up the note and I toss the note into the bin, I wasn't going to read the note it was probably just a rude and lame joke about me, after the note landed right inside the bin I gave the middle finger to Amanda as she was filming. They both gave me a bitchy death stare and I rolled my eyes.

Oh sorry, I didn't tell you who were Bristie and Amanda are. Well they are the most popular girls in school or as I call them the biggest bitches in school, but they never used to pick on me until I heard them talking to a chubby boy in the grade bellow us I remember every single second of it, well it was just last week on the first day of senior school, as I was saying they were picking on the kid and calling him names when Bristie walked up to him and said, "stop looking at my sexy bod you pervert, it's not like a guy like you, you know a ugly fugly dork will ever get to touch a girl like me", I could see the tears yet to come when I interrupted their conversation, "um, Bristie why would he ever want touch a girl like you, you know a heartless bitch?", then Bristie turned to me gave me a bitchy look, I could even see the tears from embarrassment about to break free but she just ran back to her boyfriend Mark, the biggest jerk in school, and you know what was the best part of the moment was, it was when Jayden giggled and gave me a full white teeth smile, I nearly fainted god he is the cutest guy in school but I don't know how he can be best friends with Mark, Bristie and Amanda, that was only the turn off but everything else about him was perfect!

When the bell rang for school to finish I quickly walked to a tree just outside of school where I meet ally after school finishes so we can walk home together, on my way over there I got a text:

Hi April,
We can't walk home together today because dad's picking me up, soz for the late notice.
Love Ally xx

Aghhh, now I have to take the bus home because I'm not aloud to walk home alone and I especially hate the bus because it is filled with creeps and I don't feel safe around them. Then an idea pops in my head: maybe Isaac will give me a ride. Isaac is my next door neighbour he is in the grade above me so he is old enough to drive. when I find him I ask if he can drop me home he said,"sure but I have to drop off my friend Jayden first". " That's wonderful" I said in an exciting tone, oh shit I did not just say that, " ahh okay" Isaac said giving me a weird look, then I quickly thought of a coverup, " I mean it's wonderful you giving me a ride home so I don't have to go on a bus with creeps", luckily he believed me and he said, " oh yeah hahaha for a minute I thought you meant it was wonderful that your going to be in a car with Jayden", I replied with," ha ha that is weird".

When I got home I quickly ran upstairs to my room and thought about my conversation I had with Jayden. Well it started with "hey your April right, I'm Jayden I think we have English class together", so I played it cool and said,"hey". Then he said, "sooo, are you guys friends or something", before I could say that we're neighbours Jayden said," we are secret lovers" he said in a husky tone and made kissing noises I couldn't help but laugh, well his brothers would always joke around and say that we were secret lovers because they thought we would be perfect together. When I stopped my laughing fit I corrected him, " we are just neighbours, it's a joke the whole secret lover thing". Then I thought to myself maybe Isaac and I would be perfect together. Well he is the only one who made me laugh after my parents died. Yeah as I was saying maybe we could be the perfect couple but he doesn't like me I just know it he treats me like a little sister, he is always protective and kind. It's not like I asked him to take care of me, I guess he just feels sorry for me that my parents died. Oh yeah back to our conversation, he said that I seemed cool and that I should go to his party at his house. At the time I tried to hide my excitement that he invited me and I said, " maybe I will have to see if I'm free that night". Now I just realised how stupid I act when I am around him, it's just that he is so perfect!

The party is probably going to be huge as his parents are rich and famous. That leaves me wondering, why would he need a ride? Maybe his parents were busy or something but anyways I am so happy that I got invited to his party. I can't wait to rub in Bristies face that I got invited personally and she just will hit the roof after all I know that she has a major crush on Jayden. Even though she is with Mark she will always love Jayden. I just wonder what her face will be like if Jayden and I ever became a couple, well that would be something I would die to see but I shouldn't get my hopes up, like why would Jayden want to ever be in a relationship with someone like me? Maybe he just invited me to be nice.

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