Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

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Elodie was very secluded when she first entered the fog and for those who had been there much longer than her, they knew she was only assigning herself a death sentence by staying secluded. Almost all the survivors knew that they needed each other to survive, not just for their help, but for their hope. People who lost hope, were lost forever. Every survivor knew someone who lost hope and they quickly forgot the name and face they had, but no one forgot how it felt when they lost them. Losing hope is a fate worse than death in the entity's realm and all the survivors felt the effects of it.

Elodie, however, was very resistant. Others who tried to seclude themselves, like Jake Park, Feng Min, or Bill Overbeck, were met with overwhelming kindness and companionship. None of them were able to resist for long. Elodie went to great lengths to distance herself from everyone. Her distrust too great for any of their efforts. She often left people for dead in trials, only caring about her survival. She would only save others when the situation was too dire and even then she only had herself in mind.

This led many survivors to stop caring for her in return. Too many times were they left for dead on their first hook, while she rummaged for loot. At first they gave her a pass, she was new. She wouldn't know the best ways to defend herself and protect others. When they realized she was doing it on purpose they ultimately decided to return the favor. Elodie was often left on a hook for far too long, nearly losing her life many times because of it.

By then there was only a few who still looked out for her. Felix Richter was one of them. They had been childhood friends and aided each other in the search for their missing parents. When Felix gave up on the search, Elodie took it as a personal offense. He gave up on her. She tried to avoid him the most, but Felix wouldn't give up on her a second time. He always made sure she was looked out for and he hoped that they could be friends again.

Dwight Fairfield, Claudette Morel, and Kate Denson also looked out for Elodie. Though that was more out of the goodness in their hearts than anything. Dwight saw himself as the survivors leader, being that he was the first to arrive. As he grew more confident in himself the more he began to fit that role and he saw himself responsible for everyone's survival. Claudette and Kate just cared about everyone. Claudette much more than Kate, but their hearts could never leave Elodie behind when they could help it.

Zarina Kassir was one of the last people Elodie wanted to look out for her. She presented herself as one for the people, and cared little for her own well being. She also wanted to know Elodie's life story, why she does what she does, everything about her. She seemed to do this to everyone and that made Elodie want to avoid her even more. She already couldn't understand people like Claudette, caring about people without knowing them, but Zarina was even more confusing to her, she would happily trade her own life for a stranger's. She couldn't get it and yet, she couldn't seem to get away from her either. And it made Elodie hate her for it.

These were the people who refused to let Elodie drift away into despair, but it wasn't hope she had. It was determination. She was determined to find her parents and escape. That was all she wanted and cared about. That was all she would let herself care about at least.

So when these five people desperately try to get her to open up, she quickly shuts it down. She would often run off into the woods and fog to look for clues, anything really. And anything found would be a step in the right direction. Except it wasn't, she could walk into the fog one way and arrive back at the campfire from the opposite direction. Anytime she thought she was getting somewhere turned out to be the entity luring her to another trial. And how she hated trials and everyone's expectation of team work. And the only "clues" she ever found were a few pages of an old survivor's journal that other people had found before her. It frustrated her to no end. So she took that frustration and anger and made it her motivation to drive her. Just like she had her whole life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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