Bad News

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Onika P.O.V.

Orlando, Fl.
6:45 a.m.

I woke up due to the blaring noise of my alarm clock. I was never a morning person, but I love my job and I would do anything for my job... wouldn't you? After staring at the wall, for what seemed like eternity, I got up and went into the bathroom. I spent about 30 minutes washing my body and doing all of my other needs.


It was 7:45 when I checked the time. I quickly threw on a pair of black dress pants with a Louis Vuitton blouse. I sprayed myself with perfume and put on my jewelry. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Damn I look good. Okay time for me to leave".

I put on some Louboutin red bottoms, grabbed my purse, and hurried out of the door. After staying in traffic for about 10 minutes, the cars started to move and I started to get somewhere. It was 8:20 when I got to the station. I entered the station and was greeted by everyone expect her. I know why she doesn't like me and I somewhat don't like her because she doesn't like me. I can tell everyone feels the animosity between us. As i'm walking to my office, I feel her eyes on me. As if she's using lasers to look through me. I hurry to my office and semi slam my door.

"Okay now that that's over, let me get to work"

I sat down, logged into my computer and checked my emails. Upon me looking through my emails, a knock sounded on my door.

"Come in"

The chief entered my office.

"Good morning Detective Maraj, how are you?"

"Good morning Chief Frank. I'm doing swell, what made you come in here?"

"You're one of the smartest detectives we got. I wanna assign you to this case, but I wanna partner you with one of our other best detectives"

Oh God he better not be talking about who I think he is. I refuse to work with her!

"And who is this other detective"

"No other than Detective Knowles"

Is he insane???? I cannot work with this woman. Has she even agreed to this?? There's no way she's agreed to this!

"Listen Chief, Detective Knowles and I don't get along, i'm sure you've noticed"

"Of course I have, which is why i'm assigning the both of you to this case. You two are both grown, it's time y'all put y'all differences aside and take down one of the most infamous drug lords. If you don't take this case-"

"You're seriously MAKING me work with her? Wait no, you're threatening me into working with her?"

"Detective, if you don't take this case, the both of you will be fired. Here's the case files, take them and look through them"


"No? Need I remind you what's on the line here?"

"No need, I'm not taking this case. Get one of your other detectives to work with her."

"Detective, I don't wanna fire you. Think of your job. I'll give you till the end of the day to give me your decision"

After saying that, he leaves my office. My blood is BOILING right now. How could he put me on a case with her? It's only 9:00 in the morning and my mood if already fucked up. There's no way he got her onboard with this!

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" I say stressed.

"Detective Maraj, as you know, we've been assigned a case together"

Oh my God, she's in my office. She's death glaring me. She wants to play this terrifying role, so can I.

"Yes, I know. I don't think I want to do that though"

"And why not?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you Knowles"

"I'm not losing my job because you can't put our differences aside. Act like the woman your mother raised you to be"

"We wouldn't even have any differences if you weren't so envious of me"

"You know what, I'm gonna leave your office before I say something that will hurt your feelings. Think about your job Maraj"

And with that she left my office.

"Great. Just fucking great"
I looked at the file that the Chief left on my desk. It was pretty interesting, but I knew it wasn't enough to take this criminal down. It took me about 3 hours to look over it. Before I make my decision, I wanna put some food in my stomach. I pick up my phone and call one of my closest friends.

*Phone Call*
"Good evening Sarah, it's Detective Maraj. Is Ms. Good available?"

"Hi Detective, she is available right now. I'll send you right over to her"

I waited for about 2 minutes until my home girl picked up

"Hey Onika, what you want girl?"

"Hey Meagan, you got time for lunch? I need someone to vent to right now"

"Yeah girl, meet me at Chilli's"

"Alright boo, see ya in 20"

*End of call*

Hi Everyone! This is the first book that i've EVER written. Of course this will be a Beynika book. Let me know if I should keep or delete.

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