chapter 1; homeless

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spot sighed deeply in boredom as he stared at the beige wall in his plain bedroom, wishing he had something to do.

suddenly his alcoholic aunt who had a gambling problem burst into his room.

"SPOT GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU USELESS CREATURE" she shouted at the top of her lungs, clearly drunk.

spot began to cry cutely as he threw his two leaves up into a messy bun and he took a few of his belongings with him outside of the house.

the door slammed shut and locked from the inside as spot began to cry, not knowing where to go.

suddenly, oatmeal appeared in his bmw and cackles as he stuck his head out of the expensive window.

"how does it feel to be broke and homeless loser spot?" he cackled evilly.

spot cried even harder as oatmeal drove off, leaving spot to choke on the fumes of the dust and smoke left behind.

spot walked further down the street and spotted alice and cathy walking a little deformed chihuahua.

spot ran up to them as fast as he could but tripped on a crack in the cement and tumbled down the street.

just as a car was about to hit poor spot, the deformed chihuahua dragged spot back to the sidewalk.

"spot! are you ok?" cathy asked as she helped spot up who had cuts and bruises all over him.

"no, i'm not. i got kicked out of my house and my day has been really bad." spot cried out as tears formed in his big eyes.

"that's too bad, let's go cathy..." alice said and dragged cathy and the deformed chihuahua away.

spot goes to the park!Where stories live. Discover now