Chapter 49

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Elle slowly felt her consciousness awakening under her warm covers that made her unwilling to wake up. Her eyes remained close despite how her hearing became fully functional and she was able to take in the usual faint sounds of the hectic city that laid outside her window. However, as minutes went by, the brightness of her room that the day had to enable, made her eyelids tremble, till they finally opened, gifting her at first a very hazy sight.

The weak condition of her body was the first thing that she became aware of, as her head felt heavier than she remembered it to be yet after a few blinks that cleared her vision, she found her brief complaints coming to an abrupt halt and her body literally rushing to get out of bed, in utter surprise and fear for Namjoon's face stood right before her.

Her jump scare caused quite a commotion for she had forgotten that the floor was still full of glass pieces and she was barefoot and her abrupt standing combined with her weak state, had her falling on the floor while leaving an exhale of pain for some pieces had cut her hand and her sole.

Namjoon woke up immediately because of the sudden commotion and after giving a hurried look at his surroundings with a breath caught in his lungs out of momentary startlement, he noticed her on the floor and rushed to step out of bed as he had still his shoes on and had no reason to think twice about what he is going to step on.

"Oh lord. You are nothing but trouble." He huffed a deep exhale upon seeing her palm bleeding and Elle just looked at him, with a gaze that kinda hurt him momentarily for she looked terrified of him and that made him feel as if he was some kind of monster.

"What-What are you doing here?" She asked as she quickly forced herself to stand up on her own and stood before him as straight as she could manage, hiding her injured hand behind her back while she avoided putting pressure on her right sole, which was the one she had cut.

"I didn't break into your house so stop looking at me like that. You opened the door."He responded with a slight annoyance in his voice for he sure was not expecting to be blamed or stared at in the way she was, just because all he had done is stay all night and look after her and her fever that took a long time till it calmed down, leaving him feeling tired enough, to lay beside her on her bed briefly.

He had never thought that he would fall asleep for he was used to being sleepless for nights and being overworked yet strangely he couldn't even remember when had his eyelids closed and his consciousness had betrayed him, engulfing him in the darkness he so much hated and the nightmares he would sacrifice his human need of rest to avoid. Nightmares that strangely he did not see while sleeping beside her.

"I did?" Elle showed with her index finger to herself in confusion as her memory was playing tricks on her but it didn't take long for her to recall the events of last night that made her eyes grow wide and her head quickly to bow down to him, apologizing for getting him caught up in a situation that was her responsibility to take care of, for none else should look after her health but she.

"Ah's your boyfriend's fault! I have been calling him and texting him all night and he didn't reply even once! Are you sure he cares about you?... That man's  sleep is so heavy, the world could be burning and he wouldn't know." Namjoon raised his voice unknowingly as he rumbled, frustrated over his brother whom if he had called him back, he wouldn't have to live this awkward moment that he was totally hating. To not mention that seeing Elle first thing in the morning wasn't exactly something he would like to start his day with.

"You did what? Oh my, you really shouldn't have bothered him." She told him with a hint of irritation in her voice as her face portrayed a wave of worry, thing that made Namjoon raise an eyebrow at her, questioning her reaction for he had not called a strange but her boyfriend.

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