Gay Sexy Time

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- Sam's P.O.V -
After the hunt for the Windego, Dean, (Y/N) and I return to the motel. Once Dean parks the car in the parking lot, (Y/N) and I exit the car and go to our rooms as Dean heads in a separate direction. Probably to a bar. I watched as he leaves, then I walk to (Y/N)'s room, knock on the door, and wait for him to answer. He answered almost immediately causing me to jump only slightly but regain my composure quickly. (Y/n) looks at me with his tired eyes as I am overcome with lust. I push my way into his room and close the door behind me. I then force myself onto him, letting my lust take over me. As I forced my mouth onto his I sense him freeze before giving in and letting me push my tongue into his mouth and discover this new territory. He quivers under my touch as my hand goes from his head to his newly enlarged member. "I see someone's excited." I tease after breaking the kiss. The only thing keeping me from taking him now is the fact that we had neighbors above and beside us, but that didn't matter to me while my lust took over. My inner animal was then released when I heard (Y/N) whimper from lack of attention. I looked down at the whimpering man and smirked. I then took off my pants and boxers and demanded, "Suck mah magically rainbow colored dick." To which he obeyed. He sucked hard, moved slow and deep throated me better than anyone that had ever sucked mah magical unicorn dick before.

My member throbbed as if warning me that I was close to the end so I demanded (Y/N) to stop, which he did. "Undress and get on your hands and knees." I ordered. Unsurprisingly he obeyed but the fatigue he was suffering from caused him to move more sluggishly and longer to complete the task. I could tell he was also nearing his end. As I placed myself at his entrance I wrapped an arm around his waist to support him when I entered him. As soon as I positioned myself, I thrusted deep into him, causing a loud gasp to escape his mouth. "It's okay. I'm so sorry. It'll be fine." I repeated as if reassuring him that everything will be alright. After a while of him getting used to my size he began to rock back and forth against me causing me to thrust slowly and shallowly. "Faster Sam." He urged. I chuckled seductively and whispered in his ear. "What was that? I didn't hear you." I teased causing him to groan. "Please, Sam. Faster, please." He pleaded. I quickened my pace, also causing the bed to start banging against the wall. I soon came inside of him also causing him to release as well. We then ended up collapsing onto the bed in a cuddling position. We sat there for a good 30 minutes in our own little world. I pulled the covers up close to us as I kissed him with more passion and speciality as I could muster which paralyzed him for a second before he reacted. I then broke the kiss to comment on one thing. The butt pains. "Don't worry if you can't walk tomorrow. I'll carry you for as long as I have too, just to be sure you're okay." This comment caused (Y/N) to smile and snuggle closer to me. "Now go to sleep. You've gotta save your energy for tomorrow night." I added in sleepily, and before I fell asleep I heard him, the love of my life, state "I can't wait." We both then fell into deep sleeps.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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