The Move

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Why do we have to move to this town Dad?"Asked Maya as she looked out of the window of the car to see lots of trees. I am sorry but it is for my job."said her dad looking back at her in the mirror. She is right, why this place you know I have to do my shopping,"Said the woman up front which happened to be the woman she hated, her Step mom Lily. Maya just rolled her eyes at her stepmother. Girls, I don't know why my job moved us all the way out here but try to make the best of it. It is just for 1 year." Her dad said. Yeah whatever dad". Maya said while putting on her ear buds and going to sleep.

Meanwhile, Maya has come of age. We need to be prepared for her arrival." Said an unknown voice. They were in a dark room and there was only light at the table. Everyone there had hoods on their heads. When will she be here." Said another unknown voice. She will be here tonight." Said a voice that was so cold that the room felt like it froze. "And we will guide her and soon she will know the truth". Said the same voice. "And I can finally meet my daughter". Said the same voice but with a little bit of hope in his voice but not to much you would notice unless you where looking for it.

Meanwhile, Maya was looking at the old house that she was supposed to live in. Her stepmom was complaining about the house already it didn't look the way she wanted it to and that we needed to move into a different house. I ignored her and went into the house while her dad tired to calm Lily down.

I just looked around the house. I kind of liked it for some odd reason. Maybe it was because Lily hated it or maybe she just liked it, but she felt some kind of a connection with the house but she didn't know what it was. I saw a door that must led down to the basement my curiosity got the best of me; I wanted to know what was behind that door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I tired to pull it really hard but it didn't work. DAD". I yelled out to him but he was too busy to hear. I got tried and went upstairs to find my bedroom.

It didn't take her long to find her room; the house only had 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. I opened the door to her room and I thought to myself, Wow this is beautiful".I mean it wasn't that great but it had something to it I felt connected to the room for some reason. I started to unpack what I had in my room, that was until I heard a scream coming from Lily downstairs.

I walked downstairs to see what she was complaining about now. What is wrong now". I said to her in a annoyed tone. Lily looked offended by the way I said that. "I saw a rat run across the room". Lily said with disgust in her voice. "Is that all or do we have to call the police to come and arrest the rat for trespassing in our house" I said to Lily. She looked like she was on the verge of crying. My dad didn't look to happy the way I had spoken to Lily. "Maya don't speak to her like that she is your mother". He said to me. I was livid at my dad for saying such a thing. "She isn't my mother and never will be". I said while storming up to my room and slammed the door.

She couldn't believe her dad would say suck a thing , even if I didn't remember my mother, I still love her with all my heart and nothing was going to change that, not even Lily. I was so angry at my Dad  I couldn't control my anger for some odd reason. But the next thing I knew my books fell of the shelf's. I turned around and picked them up, putting them back on the shelf

As I was cleaning up I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was my dad but I didn't really want to talk to him right now. "Go away" I said to him hoping he would listen but this is my dad we are taking about. He continued to knock on my door until I had enough and let him in. " Maya I am sorry for what I said about Lily being your mother, but I really want you to accept that she is going to be in our lives". I  wasn't looking at her dad but I felt sad and angry all at the same time. " I know dad but I don't know if I will ever see her as a mother". I said to him. " I know but could you at least be a little nice to her please". He asked me. " I can try but mom promise". I said looking up at him with a smile.

" Thanks kido now go to sleep you she school tomorrow it's your first day of school". He said excitedly. "Dad, I am going to be in 11th grade and I am starting in the middle of the school year don't be too excited". I said to my Dad who just kissed me on my head ." Goodnight princess". He said to me," Goodnight old man". I said while laughing a little .

He finally left my room. I went to take a quick shower I needed one badly. I got out and went to about how tomorrow will be and if I will make any friends. I finally went to sleep but what she didn't know was that someone was watching her. "We will meet soon little one very soon". Said an unknown voice that was cold as icy but could hear a bite of love but not to much you. You wouldn't really notice unless you were looking for it.

This is the end of the chapter I hoped you like it. It took me forever to write. But the next chapter will be posted next Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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