The one and (likely) only chapter

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A bit of writer's notes: Helloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the art is just random stuff cuz I love his face, love drawing him :heart: . also I wrote this in like. 3 days. Hope you likee X33333333333333333333333333333333333333 /j


Bob never thought he would hold something so utterly impossible in his hands but he did. He held his heterosexuality as Amor looked on from a screen he could connect to. With some of the others also there.

"What the fuck is this, Amor?" Bob asked, looking from the thing to Amor.

"It's your straightness, I said it already. And it's fragile so be careful with it"

"Is that... supposed to symbolize something?"

"Naaah, not at all!"

That seemed to make the others laugh, particularly Bobal. Absolutely enjoying a little show he's not involved in.

"Why is and white tho and also shaped like a ball? It's so ugly, it feels like it's for funeral ball game"

"Straight flag is also ugly"

"Fuck... Anyways I'm sure it's very secure and strong" Bob starts playing around with it. You could even say that he's quite balling. Amor is slightly amused by this but not surprised.

"Huh, interesting"

"In fact, so secure that I'm gonna just put it down and doubt anything could ever happen to it" he put it down, the spherical straightness remains solid and nice. How come Amor said it's fragile?

Then everyone moved on to play games, Bob and Bosip went to play Minecraft, with Bowaev as he begged to join as well. They let him. It was not a very good idea, as Bob ended up being trolled by him. Constantly. With resources being gone constantly, so much so that Bob had to come down with Bosip to the mines to make up for the loss. It's like Bowaev added another level of difficulty to the game.

"God, this is so exhausting" Bob sighed as he lightly hit his head into the rock before him along with his iron pick.

"I would say it's liberating. Lets you think of stuff more freely"

"Well that's for you, for me it's boring"

"Do you really have that little on your mind? Do you really think so little, Bob"


"Wow. I mean for me there was a lot. Like I figured out my bisexuality while mining. Mining helped me cope with when the blob thing kidnapped us. It is just... calming because of the repetition.

"Well I have nothing to figure out about myself, I know myself through and through. And I calm myself with cool activities like beating the hell out of the Ender Dragon"

"Well... right now you gotta mine, no matter how tiring it is. Or do you want to try and go out with a wooden sword?"

"I mean- Isn't that... a great challenge..."

"A challenge that would bite you right in the ass"


As they continued, Bob got more and more tired. He hasn't been responding for a while so Bosip got suspicious that he might have left because he got bored. Only to check on and see Bob laying down on the stone, sleeping. With his ass pressed against the wall. It almost looked comical if not uncomfortable. Bosip carefully lifted Bob into his arms to carry him out of the mines. Maybe it was time to finish up for today. Bob moved around in his arms a little. He's lucky he's mostly used to being close to Bob, if he wasn't he'd be in some deep shit right now. He finally reached the outside after dragging himself up along with Bob in his arms, the stairs felt longer than they usually feel.

Bob's fragile heterosexualityWhere stories live. Discover now