Just the begining

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Dear diary,

April 14th 2023

Dad just sat me down to talk and he told me where gonna move I'm not excited as I have made so many friends her at autumn Brooke,but I think he should have consulted me before making the final decision I don't mind moving it's just that I have lived here all my life and made so many friends Izzy and Hannah-May I'm gonna miss them all so much cause we've all had so many good memories he said where gonna move  in the next month or so, so I still have some Time to make the most of it I don't know when I'm gonna break the bad news to Izzy and Hannah-May but I'm still thinking of a way to tell them.
Well  see you tomorrow

Dear diary

April 17th 2023

So I told Hannah-May and Izzy the bad news they were very sad but they understood that it was gonna be a good change since my mom died I gave them both a hug and we all stopped crying and went out for ice cream at are nearest ice cream parlor joe's treats I got my usual  strawberry ice cream  with sprinkles and Hannah-May and Izzy both got chocolate which is pretty basic if u ask me and after the fun day we had out I went home and my dad had already started packing he asked me how was the day out and I said it was okay me and my dad don't really talk much since moms death but we do once and A while I went upstairs and started reading  my favorite book rituals and fins it's about this boy who's dad dies and he finds a necklace and spell book and finds a spell to have one last day with his dad which is pretty cool sometimes I do cry while ready the book as it makes me wish  I could find a book to get one last day with my mom
Well that's all for now see you soon



Amber and her dad finally moved in to the new house as ambers dad opens the doors to the new house  he tells amber to go upstairs and pick her bedroom amber hurry's on to check every bedroom out so she can see which one is the biggest. 'I want this one,says Amber as she tells her dad.'are you sure you want this one sweetie it's a bit small, says ambers dad ' I'm sure I want this one dad,  okay then we will start shopping for the decor this weekend after you start school , okay dad says amber as she jumps on her bed You'll be starting school on Tuesday since Monday we will be busy , That's fine with me
Now get out,okay okay I'll get out he chuckled

Dear diary

May 2nd 2023

I'm finally her at the new house  I really like it here at the new house I don't know what I was so scared about but dad told me that I'll be starting school on Tuesday I'm not very excited but I'm just gonna try be myself and see how that goes we are busy tomorrow so I won't get to write  much but I'll try fill in the details on Tuesday after school
I don't really have anything to say but I'll see you tomorrow

                                      FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR ME

See you after school honey dad said as I walked out the car I felt  my legs shaking anxiously as I walked into the school grounds I felt  that everybody was looking at me I walked into the school building and a girl came up to me she said I don't know you haven't seen u around here are you new and I said yes in a quiet voice after she walked me to my classroom she was talking to me and she was very nice there is a sports team and I might sign up for it. After school she asked me if I wanted to come up to her house to help study and I agreed since  that she was my only friend that I made so far Her House was so nice it gave  me a bit of inspiration of how we should  decorate our house. As I was leaving to go back home she said that she will walk up with me to school in the morning so I didn't have to walk alone  I said yes and hurried along home .

                                                               NEXT DAY

In the morning Amayah rang  on my doorbell and we both walked to school together we weren't talking much mostly about school,sports team and boys ur typical teenage conversation as walking to school. In the halls Amayah then turns me and I said what was that for she then says that's Jack Dawson and I said what about him she said he is one of the hottest boy in the school and I said don't tell me you're one of them she then says I can't help it just look at him we both laughed as we walked into class jack then winks at Amayah and I  as we walked into the class room he hands both of Us an note we both wait till lunch to read it we both read the notes silently in are heads and both jump up and down happily because we both got invited to his party .


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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