Chapter 1

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It was just a normal Friday for Caiti, until she found out that Queen Elizabeth was coming to America, and right by where she lived as well! Queen Elizabeth had been her celebrity crush for years. She was perfect, smart, beautiful, old (if you what I mean) and QUEEN!

Caiti knew Lizzy was way out of her league, she was the queen of England after all!

Even though Caiti knew her and Lizzy weren't going to be a couple she still wanted to see her. She set off to find the perfect clothes looking in every shop window, eventually she found the right outfit.

Eventually Sunday arrived, Lizzy was coming today. Caiti was so excited that she got up at 5am even though Lizzy was coming at 2pm. Caiti took a quick shower and then got into her new clothes. She ended up looking as fabulous as always.

Caiti spent ages doing her hair so that by the time that she had finished it was time for her to leave. She was so nervous, she had butterflies in her stomach she was walking all weird, but then she assured herself 'everything is going to be ok'.

She was there. This moment is what she'd been waiting for he whole life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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