1: Stickers

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Jackson turns to his calendar as his alarm blares next to him. It's the 14th of March and a Monday. He slaps his alarm to shut it up. Why does it have to be so loud?! As he stretches and yawns he comes to the realisation that he has school. Shitshitshitshitshitshit. He jumps out of bed and grab some random clothes for the day. Dashing down the stairs he spots Ron leaving and shouts a goodbye to his Tía and Tío.

"RONNNN!! Hello!" He hears David shout from Exer's car. He looks over to see Exer glaring at him so he flinches and skates off to school.

Once he arrives he heads over to his locker and shoves some books in heaving a sigh at how light his backpack now is. As he shuts the locker he turns around and almost screeches when he finds Exer standing directly behind him about to tap his shoulder. Clearing his throat he says "hi Exer, you good?" Exer puts his hand back down next to his side and nods slowly "yeah uh, I wanted to know if we had math homework.." He trails off looking to the side. "Huh? Oh uh no we didn't-" Jackson replies slowly "-seeya later Exer." He says smiling and waving over his shoulder.

The day goes pretty smoothly. No major arguments between Exer and Jackson. Nice. Thinks Jackson. His stomach is churning (in a good way) at the fact that he might be growing on the other boy. Hm that was odd. Oh well. Whilst the boy skated home he thought about those stickers he wanted for his board. He needed to check if the shop still had those.

He ran up to his room after giving his Tía a kiss on the cheek. Thunk. His door shut, he wandered over to his desk intending on doing homework and studying when he spotted it. It- it was the stickers. How had they gotten here?? And more importantly who had put them here?

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