The mission: break in.

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Ezra Bridger sat with the rest of the ghost crew as they went over the plans for the next mission.

"Ok we need to break into Coruscant and get info on the empires next move." kanan tells them.
"Security is gonna be tight so I'll have the Ghost ready to go at all times." Hera assures kanan.
"Ezra you're with me, Sabine, you and Zeb shut down the security system and get Chopper to download the data."
"No problem!"Sabine says proudly.
"What are you to gonna do?" Zeb asks.
" We're gonna keep the storm troopers busy for you" kanan answers.
"Great I could go for some bucket heads right now" Ezra says enthusiastically.
"Lucky you kid" Sabine adds putting on her helmet.


"You want me to find you're rebels?"
"Yes you are one of the best spies I know. Darth vader himself expects that you can handle it"
"Of course I can, they ended my master. Anything rebels related I will join in to avenge my master."
"Good. Be on your way then." Tarkin excused her to do what she must.

Scarlet left the general and headed to the rooftop so she could think. The rooftop was her place for thinking.  Then it hit her, the usual element of surprise, just like her master would have thought.


Ezra and Kanan had just entered the government building while Sabine and Zeb were shutting down the security system. Although they got it down , many storm troopers were closing in on them. The Jedi and padowon took out their light sabers and fought off the horde of troopers.

By time they were done they thought they were good to go. Suddenly Ezra stopped.
"C'mon Ezra we have to go"
"You don't sense it?"
Then Kanan sensed it too. They had company still around. . .

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