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a/n: hey guys, for anyone reading i put this story as mature bc it has mature themes like abuse, suicidal thoughts/actions, etc. even tho nothing is too graphic. plz be warned of them ahead of time and stop reading if you need to, i also apologize if i wrote anything wrong and it offends someone, if so plz let me know, im not trying to be offensive im just addicted to severe angst :/ there's no official semishira in this fic but there will be in the sequel (and if youre interested i wrote a story in semis pov that takes place towards the end of this fic). i linked some suicide prevention sites at the bottom of the fic, plz check them out if you need to. this was honestly pretty heavy and doesnt have a happy ending, so if youre looking for that i would recommend waiting until i write the next part that will have a happy ending

Hey girl, open the walls

Play with your dolls

We'll be a perfect family

"Shirabu? What about you, what's your family like?" Taichi asked. Shirabu nearly choked on his drink. He immediately recovered though; it was the first week of school, he wasn't going to start things off poorly.

"I have an older brother who I'm close to, my parents and I are also close. It's weird being away from them though," Shirabu answered, hoping he didn't have to elaborate, praying he didn't sound stupid. He had already gotten off on the wrong foot with Semi (unfortunately), he would rather not do the same with everyone else.

"I know exactly what you mean Shirabu-kun, when I first came here a couple years ago–" Tendou began, and Shirabu breathed a small sigh of relief. He could go back to quietly sitting and listening at the end of the table. He was sure plenty of his teammates knew who he was, his family, and he didn't care to spill all his details about them. No, at the moment, he just wanted the team to like him, for them to get along. He wanted things to be different than how they had been in the past. He wanted to belong.

When you walk away is when we really play

You don't hear me when I say

"Mom, Dad, could I talk to you," Shirabu ventured nervously. They had just gotten in the car after a successful press conference. Shirabu thought everyone was in high enough spirits to where he would be safe. And they were still in a car, nothing bad would happen.

"What about school? Do we have to talk about it now? You've been doing alright these last few years, what else is there to talk about?" Shirabu's dad asked. He internally winced. He shot his brother a quick glance, but his brother was staring out the window, oblivious to the conversation that was happening. His mother looked back and forth between him and his father.

Shirabu took a deep breath and steeled his nerves. "Dad, I was transfer schools next year–"

"What?! Kenjirou, you are not leaving Koganei, this family has gone there for generations, and you're going to too. Where else would you go? Why would you want to transfer? You're valedictorian, you're involved in student government, what could you possibly stand to gain from going to some...some other school?" Shirabu's father's voice had raised slightly by the end. Shirabu clenched his fists in his lap.

" know that...volleyball's really important to me, and...I've been working really hard these past few years. My setting's improved a lot, and...Koganei's team isn't that good, so–"

"Kenjirou, what is this nonsense? You love being on their team, you've been a starter this year even though you're a first-year, and you want to leave that?" Shirabu's dad questioned, a hint of anger seeping into his voice.

Shirabu had been prepared for this. He didn't know why he felt scared, not when he knew it was coming. But he wasn't giving up that easily. He had been working for years for an escape. This was the only thing he could think of. Koganei was a top-notch school, but the one thing they were lacking in was certain sports teams, volleyball being one. The boy's team wasn't terrible, but they weren't great. They were no Shiratorizawa, a school several hours away that had a terrific volleyball team, as well as many arts programs, and more challenging academic classes than Koganei. And there were no athletes in the family, Shirabu figured that would be appealing to his dad, having a son who went to nationals for a sport (Shiratorizawa always went to nationals).

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