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My au :
Bucky barnes is already on

The avengers tony wasn't upset

Of bucky because instead of his

mom died she wasn't killed by him
She was sick and die so he wasn't upset

About bucky kill his dad and

instead of them find steve they

find bucky and they help him

remember everything and he

meets Sam he became captain

America but he didn't want to

become captain America because
he knew that steve Rogers was

the only captain America

They ever be and steve Rogers

was find by someone else and

he's just 19 and he was find by

Norman osborn instead of them

and he's nice in this one and

when he find out about steve real
age he adopted him and harry is

nice as well and was happy that

steve was his new brother and

the two of them became a super

hero team name blue and green

hero's and of course norman

makes sure they have everything

they need he became over

protective of them since they

were his only family now and not
of them or the Avengers know

each other so steve is going to be

that one who's going to text a

wrong number :)  remember my

au bucky is going to be 21 coz

why not anyway I hope you

people are going to like it

wrong number (Kid)Where stories live. Discover now