God i love you

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You where sitting in the library at your school just reading a book, yea you where reading they both die at the end you used to just go on wattpad and print out some pages too read but a week ago your principal found you doing it and then you got detention like what it wasn't even that bad you where still reading. Yea you where just sitting in the library reading it was peaceful some how. you had never really liked too read but this was something else it was nice somehow. But then he walked inside of the big door to the library your ex that cheated on you with your best friend or ex best friend. Now yea now you had no friends no one really cared about you only your aunt your dad was a pilot and he was only home 2 times a year christmas and 1 week in the summertime, and your mom was in the hospital yea she wasn't too good you couldn't see her she really wasn't good she couldn't really remember anything anymore not even you her only daughter no she had forgot about you but it of course not her fault. You just lived with your moms sister your cool aunt that let you do everything but that didn't really matter you just missed your parents too much and you also had never really bin a wild child or anything crazy no it had always just bin you and your mom but not anymore. You looked up wait you had fell asleep in the library in the corner at your secret spot as you called it. There was 2 minutes until your class would start you had math god you hated math so bad but you had to have it sometimes even if you liked it or not. While running and already being 5 minutes late for class your aunt called you, you picked up while still running "oh hey y/n aren't you supposed to be in class?" She said "yea yea I'm running over there right now" you answered "no no I will pick you up your gonna be late anyway" she said "really?!" You said exited god you really hated math "yea and we can get some Starbucks and sing as loud as we can in the car pretending to be superstars" she said happy while laughing a bit "yes, yes that sounds SO much better than math!" You said "okay I be there in 5 minutes" she said while laughing a little "I hate math too" she added "haha yea I think everyone does" you said "okay see you in five y/n" she said and hang up you started too walk to the parking lot but then you bumped right into someone while looking at your phone "omg I'm so so sorry!" You said "no no it doesn't matter" the guy said wow he was so pretty and perfect. "What's your name?" He said "um my name is y/n what is yours?" You asked him "oh my name is Louis" he said wow he was so cute and his voice was almost better. "Aren't you supposed too be in class right now?" He asked you "yea I am but I don't really want too my aunt is picking me up" "wait aren't you supposed to be at class?" You added "yea but I was about to go home I don't really like math" "wait you was gonna have math to?" You said "yea" he answered but then you heard someone yell your name not in a angry way no it was in a happy way like a really happy way it was your aunt. "Hello y/n and...?" She said "Louis" Louis said "oh hello Louis do you mind if I take y/n?" She said "no no I will see her tomorrow" Louis said with a big smile on his face. "Bye Louis you yelled out of the window "bye y/n" he yelled back wow he was just so perfect really perfect "oh y/n you got a little boyfriend I see" your aunt said "No! like I just met him" you said "oh okay" your aunt said "but who is ready for some music?!" She said "MEEE!" You screamed you guys where just driving around for almost 5 hours before you decided to go home from you little singing eventure. The next day at school you where just sitting there and reading again in your little secrete spot there it was a nice place to just get away from everything and everyone it was all in the bag of the library in the left corner so no one really came all bag there, but while you where walking out you saw him Louis sitting and crying behind a book shelf "hey hey what's wrong Louis?" You asked him "y/n?" He said "yea?" You answered he just looked right into your eyes you could see on them that he was hurt really hurt so you hugged him, you hugged him very tight it felt so nice you had not hugged anyone in a really long time no not since your ex cheated on you, but this felt nice and god he smelled so good! "What is wrong?" You asked again "m- my parents a- are getting  a divorce" he said while crying even more "Oh I'm so sorry" you said "yea I just don't want to go home they are always fighting" he said "you can stay with me and my aunt if you want too" you said "are you sure?" He said "yea that would be nice" you said "thank you so much   y/n" he said happy and hugged you again wow this boy really made you happy it was weird you had just med him yesterday but he really was amazing you where in love again but this time love felt so much better than with your ex yea a lot better. When school was done your aunt came too pick you up she arrived and saw Louis and you standing there waiting on her you had texted her too ask if it was okay if Louis stayed with you guys for a little bit and she just said that she was totally fine about it and that he could stay as long as he wanted too you where happy about it. "Hello y/n and Louis" she said happy while you guys got in the car "hey" you said "hi" Louis said. When you guys arrived home you showed Louis the guest room that he would sleep in you guys ate dinner and watched a movie together you fell asleep in his arms it was so peaceful he carried you to bed. The next two weeks just went pretty fun but not much special you and Louis had gotten really close but today it was raining it was a raining Saturday a really raining one but you and Louis decided to go out in the rain to dance it was so nice just dancing and god you loved this guy so much! While you where dancing Louis just stoped and looked right into your eyes he then smiled and then he kissed you finally he kissed you it was your first kiss it just felt so amazing but most importantly it was with him Louis the love of your life he pulled away and said "I really love you y/n do you want too be my girlfriend?" "I love you too Louis and yes!" you said and kissed him again wow he was so good at that like he really was. After that you guys vent inside you took a shower when you where done there was no clean towels in your bathroom so you asked Louis if he would give you one he was laying on your bed waiting for you too come come out the shower he was freezing he ofc said yes when he came in he gave you the towel and you wrapped it around you, you then hugged him tight as you could see that he was freezing "thank you" he said "oh I should be thanking you for giving me a towel" you said laughing a bit "yea but I just love when you hug me" he said happy "and I love too hug you" you answered with a really big smile on your face and then you kissed him it felt so good it was weird because it was just a kiss. He then went into the shower and you took one of his hoodies on and a per of shorts on the pair of shorts was your own. He came out only clothes in a towel you could se his six pack and his wet but still kinda fluffy hair he was just so perfect he really was "your my boyfriend?" You said while laughing a little bit "yes, yes I am and I'm proud too be that" he said with a big smile on his face and then he kissed you. After that he took on some clothes while you where making some dinner after about 5 minutes you felt two perfect arms wrapping around you, you knew it was him Louis you could smell his good perfume he kissed you on the head. Your aunt was at work so you guys where just eating on the couch when you where done you just cuddled up into his arms yea I was really nice you never wanted it too end you fell asleep in his arms he carried you into his bed and fell asleep cuddling you. In the morning your aunt still wasn't home she was working a 24 hours watch in the hospital, so you just made breakfast for you and Louis god he was just so cute while he was sleeping he didn't have a shirt on it had probably gotten warm to sleep with a hoodie on. He was still asleep and you didn't want too wake him up so you just let him sleep while you where watching tv he was laying on your chest with his head and you was holding his hand after a while he started to wake up "good morning princess" he said kissing you "good morning pretty boy" you said after the kiss "I have made us breakfast" you added "thank you" he said holding you tighter while cuddling you. After you guys where done eating breakfast you decided to watch a movie since it was still raining outside. You guys was watching the movie it was they both die at the end it was the movie version of that book you read the day you med him Louis the love of your love and god you loved him so so much and you always will<3333

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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