❥• Lowkey

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A/N : This side story (SS) is about one of the days when Jongho and Chaein still keep their relationship lowkey which means it happened before Yujin or anyone around them knew about it. Enjoy ~

I love being the only one who can see your different sides

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I love being the only one who can see your different sides.


"Yoo Chaein ranks second again?"

"I feel petty for her. She studies much to the point becomes such an emotionless person."

"You mean like a robot? Even in the same class I remember never see her cracks a smile."

"Sounds rude but true though! Haha."

Yujin balls up her fists as her eyes fasten on the group of some our classmates that sit back facing us, taking in their food and apparently don't know we could hear them without any eavesdrop technique required.

"Watch your mou-"

I abruptly grip her arm backward to her seat beside mine before she throws herself into them and causes a scene. It's still lunchtime and I'm not fond of being an attention seeker in the whole school's eyes at all.

"It's fine honestly. They can't bother me."

I choose to ignore them. Letting people make whatever assumption they want is the virtue that I gotta 'learn' ever since I was awared of how bad mouthing they could be.

Especially when you're doing better than them.

It's not like they know about me anyways.


"Welp! I forgot my notebook..." Yujin gasps as she finds out her Chemistry notebook is left in class while we are walking past the soccer yard, heading to the lab for our next class.

"You go first!" She momentarily runs back in other direction. I sigh then proceed to continue my strides.

Until Jongho's P. E class is just dismissed and everyone start to scatter out of the yard. Halting my steps as I wait to catch a glimpse of the specific boy, but to no avail, nothing comes into my view.

Should I come nearer?

"Oh~ isn't that MY vice?"

There he is! The one and only Choi Jongho who calls me with such a teasing tone like that. He even emphasizes the word MY which has my heart throbbed in an instant.

"Not YOURS..." I whisper as I smack Jongho by the books and notebook in my hand which earns small fists of laughter from him.

Even when in P. E uniform, he's still good looking, after running around the soccer field?? Or is it an effect the butterflies cast on me?

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