1. The Fates play a trick on the gods

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The gods had a meeting going on. Well, a meeting...? Apollo was listening to K-pop on his ipod. Aphrodite was talking to Ares about something while looking in the mirror. Ares wasn't even listening to his girlfriend. He just nodded with a serious look while thinking about some cool new weapons. Hera was rambling to Zeus about their broken marriage. Zeus was just sitting there and daydreaming about some TV-actress. Poseidon was talking to Hades about something. Demeter was near them, and she shouted at Hades about something involved with cereal. Dionysus was enjoying wine...oh sorry it's "grape juice". Hephaestus was tinkering with some machines in the corner. Artemis and Athena were talking about being a maiden or something like that. Basically, your normal meeting at Olympus. Well, except Hestia. She was just sitting near the hearth and looking at her family. A really disfunctional family, if she was honest. But a loving one. Sure, they had their ups and downs (cough Hephaestus and Hera cough cough). But now, it was what all families were. Not perfect. It didn't have to be this way.

Hestia smiled and returned to her hearth. Wisdom didn't come with age, she thought (looking at her family).

Suddenly the throne room was blinded by a huge flash. Three grandmas were knitting a huge sock. The throne room fell silent. Even Zeus feared these creatures. The fates.

'Hello Olympians. We need to inform you all that soon, time will be stopped for you all to read 10 books. Those books are about the future. Soon a few demigods and a mortal will be transported into this room. They are also from the future. Together you will read these books. Time can't be resumed if not all books are read. Thank you!' the fates said in a chorus. As sudden as they appeared, they disappeared. Instead of them a few people landed on big shabby couches.

'What is happening? Where are we?' the demigods looked at the gods in the throne room. The gods said everything what the Fates said to them.

'Wait- so we are in the past?' asked a confused demigod.

'Yeah, that is what I think.' Answered Zeus.

The books laid in the floor in front of them. 'Before we begin with reading, I think it is wise to at least know your names.' Said Athena. Everyone nodded and everyone started to greet the gods.

'My name is Thalia, and I am' she suddenly stopped and looked at Artemis, debating if the spoiler was necessary. 'Daughter of Zeus...' she seemed to be embarrassed. All the gods were looking at her in shock.

'I am Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena.' Athena nodded, happy that her child reached the age of seventeen.

'Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite'

'Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus'

'Will Solace, son of Apollo'

'Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter'

'Travis Stoll, son of Hermes'

'Conner Stoll, son of Hermes'

'Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes'

'Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares'

'Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, daughter of Bellona' all the gods looked at Reyna with shock. Were the Romans and Greeks finally united?

'Jason Grace, son of Jupiter"

'Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto' Hades looked at Hazel and suddenly changed to his roman form. 'Y-You were dead...'

'I was dead. Not anymore.' It was clear that she didn't want to talk about it. Pluto shifted to Hades again.

'Frank Zhang, son of Mars'

'Nico di Angelo, son of Hades' Zeus looked again in shock at the young di Angelo. He remembered that he was one of the children that he almost killed, but here was Nico. Alive.

'Rachel Elizabeth Dare, mortal' a girl with red frizzy hair said. All the gods looked at her.

'Mortal? Then why are you here?' asked Zeus. The girl just smiled and suddenly a green smoke came from her mouth.

'I am the spirit of Delphi, god. The ancient old spirit of prophecies. I pledged myself to the god Apollo, God of Oracles. I know your future, your past, and your present. Approach and ask, seeker'

Rachel stopped and returned to normal. A pregnant silence fell in the throne room, before Apollo carefully stood up from his throne and turned himself into a human form. He ran to Rachel and touched her, looking if she was real. 'Oh, how wonderful! We have a new spirit of Delphi! Oh, how wonderful! How amazing! What's your name again sweetie. Rachel? Rachel, right?' Rachel stood here awkwardly staring at Apollo.

'Uhm Yeah... Rachel' Apollo smiled, hugged her and hopped back to his throne.

'Uhm yeah so that's really cool.' Said a male voice. 'Uhm, so yeah my name is Percy. Jackson. Uhm yeah...Percy Jackson.' He seemed to not want to reveal his heritage.

'Son of...?' asked Zeus. What the sky-god didn't know is that if Percy revealed himself, the gods would know that Poseidon broke the oath. But Percy didn't really have a choice.

'Son of Poseidon'.

'Poseidon! How will you explain this!' asked all the gods looking at the sea god. He was suddenly really interested in the floor.

'I think we will argue, but not now. It's time to begin reading.' Said Athena and all the gods became human sized, to sit at the couches with their kids. Not knowing what awaits for them.

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