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Name: Chase Imasuji
Age: 14
Height: 6'10"
Appearance: Imagine Muscular with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin
Quirks: Muscle Augmentation (lets him grow muscle or make it more dense), evolution(After constant conditioning, adapts to the cause. Like if Katsuki hits him with an explosion strong enough, he might gain a version of hardening), Speed Rush(Can run up to speeds of Mach 11), Shock Absorption, Regeneration, corruption prevention(Keeps him from becoming a Nomu), Gigantification(so he doesn't become extremely disproportionate when he uses his quirk after getting so muscular, his body begins to grow with it), quirk immunity(an ability his body gained after constantly having quirks forced onto him by AFO causing him to be immune to quirks like all for one, erasure, and Eri's quirk. For a quirk to work with on him it needs to cause physical damage faster than he regenerates), Pain Tolerance.

Father- Muscular(Alive)
Mother- Unknown(unknown)
Godfather/torturer- AFO(Alive)

Clothes before set free:
Couldn't find a good picture so I will just describe it. No shirt, tattered shorts, high voltage shock collar, muzzle.

Casual clothes:

Casual clothes:

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Hero Outfit:

His outfit is almost impenetrable and grows as his quirk makes him grow

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His outfit is almost impenetrable and grows as his quirk makes him grow. Ignore the swords and his helmet has a voice distorter.

Backstory: After his mother left his father and abandoned him, Chase was raised by villains. He would often fight with everyone about what they're doing being immoral. After hearing of his father killing a couple of heroes, he unlocks his quirk in a fit of anger and nearly killed his father. As AFO didn't want to take the chance of him getting out of control, he tried to make him into a Nomu. After failing to turn him into a Nomu, he decided to torture him to try and force him into submission and break his spirit.

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