My alpha

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I grew up in a small country town where everyone knows everyone. My name is LeaAnn, and I live with my mother, father, and my big brother. We live in a big White House in the country surrounded by the ocean in the back and a forest on the left and a big open field on the right. My daddy is the beta of the pack. If the alpha dies he will become alpha since he is second in command.

My mama and daddy met when she went in heat on her eighteenth birthday. It says to be that if your mate goes into heat and you are a mile away you can scent her down. My daddy was in the house next to hers and he barged in to her house. My grandma and grandpa demanded him to leave, but when he told them that he was her mate and the beta, they let him go to her.

Nine months later my big brother, Zachary was born. When Zach was five my mom got pregnant with me. It has been seventeen long years. My eighteenth birthday is tomorrow and my family is hoping my mate shows up before any other male. My brother can not have any of his friends over because of my heat. I guess that all males will be able to smell my arousal and want to mark me.

"Hey, sis. Ready for your big day tomorrow?" Zach said coming into my room breaking me out of thought.

"No. I'm not ready. What if my mate doesn't find me? Or he is ugly and fat?" I stared at him for what seemed like quite a while.

"Well Lea, I dunno, but I'm sure he will love you and you will love him." And with that his mate Lila came into the room. She was a pretty little thing. Red hair that came down to her shoulders and ice blue eyes. Her skin was very pale not like my brother's skin color at all. In fact they looked nothing alike. Zach had deep black eyes with black hair and tan skin and he was buff.

"Hey LeaAnn, how are you?" She asked staring at me. I probably looked like crap. I mean I was still in bed and haven't got up to take a shower or get dressed.

"Uhm, I'm nervous. Bout tomorrow. Can you guys leave so I can get up and take a shower now?" I asked standing up and walking to my bathroom. They left with out another word.

When I got out my dark brown hair was sticking to my back. I flung my hair forward in front of me and wrapped it up in a towel. I put on my tight jeans, my black tank top and put on some eyeliner. Making my aqua blue eyes pop out. It was weird that no one in my immediate family as in, mama, daddy, and Zachary has blue eyes. I asked my mama one day where I got them from and she said I got them from her grandma.

When I went down stairs my mama and daddy where talking in the kitchen. When I got in there they shut up.

"What where you guys talking about?" I asked but then Zach came in when mama opened up her mouth to say something Zach said "The alpha is here, and wishes to speak to us."

Father looked at me and said we will talk later an went into the living room, then mama then Zach. I was standing in the kitchen by myself. I wrapped the towel off my head and shook my hair making it look a little unless messy then I put up in to a hair tie and went into the other room.

When he looked at me. I knew it was him, my mate, was the alpha. He walked over to me and he put his hand on my shoulder and there they where. There was the mate sparks you feel when your mate touches you.

He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my hands around his neck and he spun me around. "I have been looking for you, ever since I turned eighteen. Oh darling, you are so beautiful!" He said rubbing his thumb down the side of my cheek.

My dad stood up and pulled my mama close to him with a huge smile on his and her face. I found my mate before I turned eighteen. I pulled away from my mate to look at him.

"What is your name, my beautiful love?" Alpha said staring at me he was huge, he had big biceps and I'm sure he had a very sexy chest and a six pack. I was so lost in thought of my sexy mate that I forgot he asked me a question.

"LeaAnn. My name is LeaAnn." I said in a whisper.

"LeaAnn, what a beautiful name for a remarkably beautiful girl. How old are?" He thinks I am beautiful. Oh my god. My wolf Vivian was howling to be closer to him and his wolf.

"Seventeen, tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday." I said trying hard as I can not to just curl up into his arms.

"You must come back to the palace with me. So I can keep you safe from the other males. Is that ok my love?" He said picking me up I wrapped my legs around his waist leaning my head on his shoulder with my hands wrapped around his neck. Everywhere where our skin touched the sparks where up in flames going crazy from being touched by him.

"As long as my mother and father can come and be there in the palace so when we are done I will be able to see them on my birthday." I said unwrapping my legs from his waist an letting him place me down softly on the floor.

"Anything for you my love." He said pulling me to his side and turning around to see my mother, father, Zach and Lila all staring at my mate and I.

"Lea, I don't think we should go to the palace in the time of your heat, you will be needing your mate and afterward you will be tired and possibly won't wake up till the next day." My mother said.

"But, you can at least come today and we can celebrate my turning eighteen today at the palace with my mate. Right? Is that ok with you alpha?" I asked turning up to him look at his pale flawless face, he had this look of love on his face as he looked down at me. His eyes a light brown with a hint of green specks and rings in his eyes. His shaggy brown hair falling into his eyes.

"Please, call me Curtis. You don't need to call me alpha since you are my mate my love." He said staring at me.

I let go of him and mumbled that I was going to get my clothes for the next few days. I got all the things I will need for tomorrow and the next day. When I went back down stairs everyone was out side. I walk outside to see my mate and everyone else as their wolves, my mother's wolf was a white one with black and grey specks, my father's wolf was pure grey. Zach's wolf was brown and black. Curtis, his wolf was beautiful, pure black.

I put on my back pack and mind linked with them. 'What is going on?' I asked.

'Take off your back pack and put it down, then shift into your wolf an pick the bag up with your teeth.' Curtis's beaming alpha male voice rung through my head I did as I was told and they all stared at me as I was in my wolf. I didn't understand why.

'Love, you are the rarest wolf in the world. That is why we are staring at you.' He said coming over to me. He was a good foot taller than I was. Also in my wolf form. I rubbed up against him.

'What color am I?' I asked as he turned around to walk away. My brother'a voice boomed into my mind. 'Your gold.'

We got to the palace and was showed to the dining room. Curtis took me to show me his room. It was a beautiful room. With lime green covering on the bed and his walls a solid black with white carpet. He took the back pack from me and set it down on the floor in the bathroom that was connected to the bed room. He pulled me to him and through me on the bed and got on top of me.

"LeaAnn. You are so beautiful." He said smiling down at me. His lips coming closer to mine and I found myself kissing him. He bit my lower lip softly and I opened my mouth for him to devour me with his tongue.

We where out of breath and it felt like we where making out for an eternity. He collapsed on me and I whimpered because he weighed so much more than I did. He hurried up and flipped over brining me with him so I would be laying on him.

I laid my head down on his chest and I felt my stomach growl.

"Wanna go get something to eat darling?" He asked I got up and shook my head yes. He got up and grabbed my hand and we went and found the others

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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