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Your p.o.v

"Jesus" you looked at your alarm and gave it a disgusted look

"Cant you be quiet for once? Its sunday"

You groaned and dragged yourself out of bed, waking up was a hard task for you

You got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast

Your father was reading the newspaper while your mother was cooking breakfast

"Good morning" you spoke

"Morning sweetheart" your mom replied in a sweet tone, her gaze still directed at the pan

"Good morning" your dad said as he turned the pages of the newspaper

You took a seat at the table while your mom put the breakfast  plate in front of you

You started chewing on your food quietly as your mother took a seat beside you

"So will you be going for the singing lesson?"your dad spoke as he broke the silence

"Yes dad" you replied

"Okay good" he said, feeling satisfied

▪ ▪ ▪

You took your coat and stormed off outside

You forwarded to the direction you were heading to, but suddenly..

A hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside a dark alley

"WHAT THE-" you couldn't complete your sentence as the man covered your mouth with his hand, stopping you from speaking anymore

You let out muffled screams and words

But it all went to vain

You tried to push him, but his figure was stronger than your fragile one

"Shhh, stay still and quiet kitten. No one can hear you" and with that, the male instantly switched his hand with a piece of cloth, probably damp in chloroform and made you lose your consciousness

▪ ▪ ▪

I know its a such a short chapter like so short BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT

Ive got exams too so it may take a while to update and some may be short chaps but i promise ill try my best tho TwT

Peace out

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