Chapter 20

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hopefully this chapter will be better...

"A group of rebels in war paint will not tell me what to do!" Mother screams. I wince as my eardrums thunder. There is no pacifying her now. All her council members have expected this and have all either covered their ears, or politely pretended not to hear anything. "I shall battle them till the end for them to return the prince of the SeaWing royal family! This is a dishonour my family name! Prepare the army!"

At here, I finally protested. "Mother! I just stopped a war!"

"It's fine, darling, a little one won't hurt," she soothed and continued to shout at Shark.

"Isn't there some way to work it out peacefully?" I asked.

Mother's face darkened briefly, and I stepped back in shock. Mother had always been a generally cheerful person, and I'd never seen her upset before, excluding the flares of temper, except for when...oh, no. Gill.

"It never does," she quietly whispered, then turned and left. The council members followed her, leaving me to sit on the floor alone.

"The little princess, unguarded, alone, no one to help her. What a rare sight." I swivelled around to see Typhoon, face set in a supposedly pleasant face, yet it looked more like a grimace. I growled. "What do you want?"

"Is that any way to treat your husband?" Typhoon replied, his voice silky, yet full of hatred, anger.

"You're not my husband, sick psycho," I snarled back.

Typhoon frowned thunderously, all signs of even slight friendliness gone. "You might want to reconsider some that. You seemed to have forgotten about my influential ways, and remember, Princess, that many of those you love and cherish, live within these palace walls."

My eyes widen with shock and I crouch down, ready to pounce, anger stirring with in me, a red hot fire of rage. He dared to threaten me about harming my family. He dared...Mother. Mother had been injured. And he had gone into her room. It fits, I thought. My face twitched, and I only just managed not to tear him apart on the spot. Not for his sake, but so I wouldn't get his disgusting blood splattered over me.

"You." I clenched my teeth with fury. "It was you, wasn't it? You were the one who tried to murder Mother."

A brief flicker of something passed over his eyes, something that seemed like...remorse? Then the flicker vanished back into hostility, and I dismissed it without a thought, too consumed by madness to think about it.

"Not exactly," he replied.

"Are you threatening me?" I shoot back, ignoring his answer. 

Typhoon smiled twistedly. "I'm glad I've got my point across, Princess. Like if anything were to happen to those eggs..."

I roar and leap for him. Out of nowhere, a knife flies out, glinting blue.

Sapphire. How was she here? Panic overcomes me for a brief moment, but the fear triggers my instincts and I duck. The knife flies and hits the wall with a loud slice. Guards rush in with surprise, seeing the knife with shouts and screeches. Sapphire screams when guards overcome her, grabbing her. An explosion of air flies out with an explosion, and guards fly back, landing unconscious on the ground, but there are far too many, and the hoard of guards overcome Sapphire, who only just manages to hold them off. Meanwhile, me and Typhoon are still fighting, and he grabs the knife, ready to throw it, but then Riptide appears, grabs the knife away and snaps it in half with a single tug. His brow is furrowed, slits of eyes seeming to glint red from the light reflecting off the coral out of the windows, veins bulging and pulsing, creating a terrifying image. 

I turn, as Typhoon is thrown against a wall by Riptide, this time leaping for Sapphire. With whatever cursed powers she had gotten last time, taking her by surprise was now the best choice. I leap and push her into the ground. A burst of fire leaps from her claws for me, but I duck and fan it away. The spark lands on her tail and begins sizzling and flashing. I immediately leap back without thinking, pulling a group of guards back with me, and the spark explodes, smoke obscuring everything.

Then the smoke clears, revealing Sapphire, unharmed, her hood blasted into smoke, and finally revealing her face. A spike of panic shoots into me as the smoke uncovers...royal blue scales, sharp white teeth. Warm green eyes.

"Mother?" I whisper. Then, relieved, I realise it isn't mother, as there is a missing of a narwhal tail. Yet the resemblance is uncanny, and Sapphire could be her twin. Her wings faintly flutter, drawing my attention to...swirling patterns. Royal patterns. The wings collapse weakly, and Sapphire coughs, seeming to be delirious. "Dad? Weren't you killed by Uncle Shark?"

Shark. Uncle Shark. If it was the same Shark as my uncle, it would mean Sapphire was my cousin, or sister. 

Sapphire's warm green eyes flutter shut, and guards drag her away. Riptide is suddenly at my shoulder, touching me with a claw that has been dyed purple with blood. I barley notice him.

Weren't you killed by Uncle Shark?

Shark has some explaining to do, I grimly thought.

*insert dramatic music* sapphire's royal!

don't worry, she won't be one of those super over powered royal ocs that everyone likes to make who eventually rule all of pyrhhia. she's just a normal seawing, i promise. even her powers have an explanation, she wasn't born with them. 

i'm relativley pleased with this chapter anyhow, so i hope you enjoyed it too. updates coming soon!

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