Seeing Spirits

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Your P.O.V


I feel around on my bedside table looking for my alarm clock. Once I find it I throw it against the wall. The beeping stops for a second, then it continues. Angry, I get up out of bed and shut off the sound properly.

"I don't wanna wake up today." I say to myself. But just as I'm about to crawl into bed, I get a sharp pain in my head. But just as it comes up, it disappears, which is weird because it always lasted longer than a split second. Not only that but I feel a cold chill down my spine.

"I just came back from almost dying, again. What's going on with me now?" I say in a very annoyed tone.

Well somebody's cranky

I jump, startled. I then turn behind me and see the spirit of the puppet floating behind me. She has an innocent smile on her face.

"STOP DOING THAT! You fucking scared me!" I scream.

Language! You're forgetting that I'm still technically a kid

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say scratching the back of my head.

"Wait, what are you doing here!? Aren't you supposed to be back at the pizzaria?" I ask.

Well, I need to talk to you about something

"Like what?" I ask.

I, we need your help...

"You need my help? With what?" I ask.

Us spirits have been trapped in a cycle of pain and torment ever since our lives were taken from us in 1985. Me and the others have been trying to escape this cycle, but we were unsuccessful. Then we realised that we couldn't escape this cycle by ourselves. We need someone to free us, and that someone is you

"What? Me? Free you from the cycle? What does that even mean?" I ask. Then I hear a knock on the door.

"Drake, I hope you're not asleep. School starts in an hour." I hear Keith say from the other side of the door.

School? Crap, I forgot that today was Monday. I was so focused on surviving last night that I completely forgot that it was a school night.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath.

What did I say about your language?

"I don't have time to listen a lecture on appropriate use of language. I have to get ready for school!" I say quickly changing out of my pyjamas and into my school shirt and tie, grey pants and Hite and purple boots. I then rush down to the bathroom and wash my face, brush my teeth and comb hair, with a bit of difficulty. I take a look at myself in the mirror and find puppet staring at me with a confused expression on her face.

You sure do like to rush things, don't you?

"Didn't you hear Keith? School starts in an hour. And me and Mike always walk to school together." I say throwing a jacket over my school shirt.


"It's a thirty minute walk from here." I say dashing back up to my room.

Okay, now I see

"Exactly, which is why I'm rushing so much. I'm already ten minutes late and Mike is probably waiting for me down at the sidewalk." I say going down to the door. I then rush out and find Mike waiting for me next to the door.

"Oh, you're finally awake." Mike chuckles. A very slight shade of red appears on his cheeks.

"Sorry, I got an unexpected visit from one of the spirits." I say. Mike looks at me in shock.

"Wait, really? Which one?" He asks.

Hello again Micheal

"The puppet." I say motioning to the spirit floating next to me.

"Oh, you mean the one floating right next to you?" Mike asks. Me and the puppet stare at him in shock.

You can see me?

"You can see her!?" I say surprised.

"Wait, I can see her!?" Mike asks in realisation.

"How is this possible? I thought I was the only one who could see them." I ask.

"Me too." He says.

I guess Goldy must've given you the ability to see ghosts as well

"Goldy? Who's that? And what are you talking about the ability to see ghosts?" Mike says.

"Goldy is that golden version of Freddy that appeared on camera 2B last night." I explain.

"The one that scared the ever living shit out of me?" Mike asks stupidly.


"Oh, sorry." Mike says quickly.

"Yeah. Apparently, he's the one who let me see the spirits." I say.

So he might have passed it to you too

"So does this mean that I have superpowers now? Cool!" Mike says happily. I smile at how stupidly adorable he is. I guess he's right, in a way. Then I remember that we have to get to school.

"Wait, Mike we have to get to school!" I say.

"Crap! Let's go!" Mike says running in the direction of our school. I run after him, trying to keep up.

"Mike! Wait up!" I say. Then I feel a sharp pain in my head again and cry out in pain. My vision goes blurry and I can barely hear anything. I vaguely see Mike bending down in front of me. I can sort of see a concerned expression on his face. I then feel the pain in my head disappear and my vision return. Mike holds out his hand and helps me up to my feet.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Uh...I think so." I say holding my head. I then see Mike's eyes widen in shock.

"Hey Drake, I like what you did with your hair. How'd you get those highlights?" Mike asks. I notice a purple strand of hair hanging in front of my face.

"What the? What is this!?" I say holding out the purple strand of hair.

"Wait, you didn't add highlights to your hair." Mike asks.

"No! I don't even remember holding a can of hair dye yesterday. I'm pretty sure I didn't wake up like this, and last time I checked hair dye doesn't even work on my hair at all!" I say.

"So what's going on?" Mike asks.

This is a whole new level of supernatural, even for me

She's right. I've been through a lot of wierd stuff in the past few weeks, but none of which was as wierd as this. I have a bad feeling about this. But this feeling is worse than all the other times I've had bad feelings. Something bad is bound to happen. I just know it.


Hey everyone. So, I wanna take a break from Wattpad for a while to get my school work together. Also, I have a bunch of books in my library that I haven't even touched yet. So I wanna devote myself to read my books just as much as I write them. You guys aren't gonna get something new from me for a while. I just had to tell you guys so you don't think I died or something. Anyway, I'll see you guys soon.

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