~Chapter 8~

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~The Next morning~

I woke up to Jimin snoring, i sighed and got ready for my shower. Once I was finished with my shower, I walked downstairs to my kitchen to make some food for me and Jimin. I heard someone coming down and saw Jimin drying his hair with a towel while heading to the kitchen. We both made food and got ready to go to school. We both ran to school without taking the bus and we made it to school in less than ten seconds. I would say this is a new record, but we did not cheer for ourselves because I saw something that catches my eye. The teachers were outside with boxes, we both looked at each other and ran to them. "Hey, what is going on, Mr Kim?" The teachers looked at me and Jimin while saying "we all got fired for no reason. Even the Principal got fired too" we looked at each other shocked and we said "so, what happens to us?" The teachers looked tense when we said that and looked at each other "all of you kids would all have to go to a new school, we are so sorry" we both looked down sad and disappointed.
They smiled and walked away with their belongings to their cars. Jimin looked at me and said "now what?" I looked at the school and sighed while walking back to home with Jimin running behind me to catch up. Once we got home, we saw our parents fighting again and they looked at us "why aren't you at school?" They asked while clenching their fists. I noticed and gulped and said "there is no school, we have to go to a new one. Everyone there got fired" they looked at each other and sighed "you are going to hate us when I tell you this" mom says while fixing her hair. We looked at each other and then looked at our parents. "what is it?" Jimin says while fidgeting with his backpack strap. Mom walks over to us and put both hands on each of our shoulders and said the most sad thing ever "we are splitting up and you won't be able to each other anymore" we looked at her shocked.

~Yoongi's POV ~

I started crying and looked at her eyes hoping this was a joke but all I saw was heart broken and anger. "We can't leave each other, we are brothers." I tried to say something while holding Jimins shaky hand. "I am so sorry my babies. But we can't stand each other anymore." The dad comes over to us and grabs mom by the shoulder harshly " stop being so babyish towards them" dad says harshly to mom and I cried more because I was trying to cope everything while Jimin was clutching my hand tightly. My parents sighed and dad says" Yoongi, you are going with your mom and Jimin is coming with me" I cried more and hugged Jimin tightly but my dad grabbed Jimin and dragged him to his car and made him get into the car. I tried running to him but my mom grabbed my arm and held me close. I tried fighting back but I couldn't... I felt weak. Where was he going? When will i see my brother again? Will he remember me? I had so many questions filling in my head while screaming Jimins name hoping to get his attention, but he was already gone. Could this day get any worse?

I am sorry I have not been updating. I have been very busy with homeschool and anxiety. I am sorry for having this chapter give you tears it will get better in the next chapter, you will see 😉. Anyways, please stream My Universe by Cold Play and BTS. I purple you all💜💜💜

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