Throat Slitting

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Blood seeped out from voids neck. Voids head was tilted back, everything was blank. Voids killer only stood by, watching it happen. There was no emotion in their eyes, only a blank stare at the corpse before them.

Laughter. Laughter filled the air as they realized what they had just done. They killed someone. They took someone's life, something considered so precious. Gone, in the blink of an eye.

They tried their hardest to justify what they had just done. "Voi made me do it... voids constant abuse..." They giggled, remembering every traumatic experience. Every little thing leading up to their demise. They looked back at their resting body once more.

The screams, pleading, begging... and it never changed. Voi never stopped. Every little thing piling up, slowly driving them to the brink of insanity. All of it... leading to their death. It was never their fault. They were innocent. It was self defense. Surely?

There was no getting away from this. Even if they were to try to live a normal life. It'd still linger in their mind like a little bug. Running out of visible options, they took the knife in their hand, only to stab themselves in the abdomen. The pain was unbearably amazing, as they faded in and out of consciousness, thinking of how they took their abuser down with them.

They were content, for once. Everything was calm. The world felt as if it was at a standstill, and eventually they'd die, bleeding out. Perhaps, something went wrong somewhere along the road? It doesn't matter anymore. Because both of them are dead now, and there's no going back. No redos, nothing. It was done.

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