Chapter Twenty Two "Fire"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{4:30 p.m.}

Blaza was bitting his lips really hard,holding back the fact he wanted to smirk or laughed aloud when he saw the priceless looks on his 'friends' faces. He wanted to just pull out knife and stabbed them but he knew that wasn't gonna be fun for himself.

But now he was getting annoyed due to his 'friends' weren't doing anything but discussed their 'game plan' to find the orange spaceman which he knew where he was exactly.

"You son of a bit*h! Get out of my body right now!"

Now 'Blaza' was even more annoyed due to the owner of the voice. He rolled his eyes even though he was the only who could heard the voice. Unluckily, his action got caught by one of his 'friends'.

"Blaza,are you okay? You just rolled your eyes in a really an annoying way" Meme asked with still a bit of sadness in his tone and 'Blaza' guessed it still about the crab death that he secretly did it.

"None of your business"he hissed at him in annoyed.

"Hey! Don't said that to my friends!" The voice spoke again which made 'Blaza' bit his lips even more in an annoying way.

Meme seems shocked about his best friend answer as he lowered his head since he wasn't in the mood to argue with him. Woolf saw this and decided to ask his friend some serious questions.

"Blaza,that's kinda rude to Meme." Joocie spoke slowly, also surprised about Blaza's answer.

'Blaza' was about to open his mouth to shout at the juice head when the wolf interrupted him. "Blaza,do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Woolf asked in a terrifying tone.

"Say yes!" The voice shouted aloud,making 'Blaza' flinched a bit. He was about to decline him but thought about the fact that the wolf was already suspicious about him and if he declined him,it might be even more suspicious. Due to that, 'Blaza' slowly nodded at the wolf request.

"Great! First, where were you when the explosion happened?" Woolf asked,glaring at him. Joocie raised an eyebrow as he questioned. "I thought we already ask him that question before,when we met him in the forest"

Both of them ignored their friend as 'Blaza' answered. "I was distracted so I was outside of the mansion when the explosion took place"

"That's not true! I was with Socks and Muffin when the explosion happened!" The voice explained to him. The mention of 'Muffin' name made him eyes widen as he remembered the 14 year old kid was also in the cave with them.

"Umm... that's not true at all. You were with me and Socks when the explosion happened" Muffin said with visible confusion in his eyes. Meme nodded too which made 'Blaza' raised an eyebrow in curious.

"Ha! You got exposed!" The voice joked which in result 'Blaza' clenching his fits in annoyed.

The four of them saw that but decided to not focus on that first since the four of them were having the same thoughts.

"Second,where were you when me and Joocie were in the cave asleep?" Woolf asked. 'Blaza' calmed himself down a bit as he answered. "I said before that I went out to find food for us but failed."

"Oh ya? Then how are you perfectly fine with not a single raindrop on you when it was raining outside that time,according to those two" Woolf questioned once again as he pointed at Meme and Muffin.

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