Chapter One

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One Week Ago:

Passion. It really sticks, and for Louis Tomlinson, that is no different. Ever since his eyes were opened to the world, they focused on fashion and that is because of one person, Alessandro Santiago. He didn't know how he got so lucky to be brought into a world where his mother was friends with his idol, but he did, and he couldn't be happier about it. When he first moved to London five years ago, it was the start of a small career. But here he is now, on the way to possibly the biggest opportunity of his career.

The flight was slow, but full of anticipation. He thought the flight to London would finally give him the chance to enjoy some seclusion from his family. Don't get him wrong, he loved them dearly, but sometimes it was nice to enjoy some peace and quiet. Forget all of that because, surprise, surprise, there was a crying baby on the seat behind him. Although the exasperating noises coming from behind made it hard to enjoy his time, to his left there was a beautiful congregation of colors plastered on the window by his side, and if he didn't know any better, he would've guessed that it was a watercolor painting. So with Taylor Swift harmonizing in his headphones and a soft pillow, he brought himself to sleep.

Louis groaned awake, his muscles aching and his playlist long done, he could spot the food cart and flight attendant approximating and by the dark colors on his left, he guessed it was time for dinner to be served. He had a strange yet familiar dream that he was back in high school and kids were teasing him, the words the same each night the fictional moment is re-lived

"Get out of this dressing room gay boy"

He didn't have the best high school experience, but out of all the school disasters, his sexuality being assumed by others was certainly the worst.

"Sir?" She asked again "what would you like to order?"

Louis jolted back to reality "Sorry" he said, and pointed to the burger option before mumbling a quiet, 'Thanks'

Louis is Demi Sexual. Has been for eight years now, he doesn't enjoy connecting sexually with people he doesn't feel a strong bond towards which possibly explains why he is 25 and single. But he is living his dream right? He doesn't need someone to boost his self esteem, he was confident in himself, but that didn't mean that he didn't have insecurities, maybe having someone to help overcome them would be nice. It was three minutes past two in the morning when Louis arrived at the hotel provided to him, he didn't really understand why they were paying for a hotel room, but assumed it was because his house was a couple hours away from the building. Of course his natural instinct was to go to sleep.

Ever since a child Louis had dedicated his entire mindset to work, sometimes it got to the point where he forgot to take care of himself. Eating, drinking and sleeping were secondary on his list of priorities. He's worked in the fashion industry for six years, and has been studying it for eight, and if he's learnt anything from that is that he had to be dedicated, or else he wouldn't get anywhere at all. Studying wasn't easy, but when you have a mindset like Louis Tomlinson, it is all that really matters. Anything is worth the end result. He absolutely loved seeing his hard work pay off into iconic looks and success. But dedicating his time to one thing came with various consequences.

He struggled with socializing, he majorly lacked communication skills but at this point of his life there was nothing that could be done. But could you blame him? He spent all his potential social time locked up inside his bedroom, making sure each measurement of fabric was correct. A strange hobby of his ever since childhood was creating fabric flowers. He always said it was for practicing accuracy but in reality it was therapeutic, and brought his mind off his many fears. But despite all of that, Louis was an achiever. Dreamers will dream but Louis had an eye for reality, and most certainly a nice garment. Being realistic meant he could set achievable goals and work hard instead of sitting and waiting for faith to build his future. Because no matter how much it was proved, he'd never believe that bullshit.

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