Chapter 1

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~ Set up like the UK X Factor, contestants all share one big house for the time they’re on the competition~

~I know Will isn’t a jerk and he isn’t cocky, it’s just how I set this fanfic out to be~ ~though I’m failing because I’m one for fluff and cuteness and I’m really struggling to write him out as a jerk. Whoops, I already ruined the fanfic aha~

-What Alice is wearing: ~

Alice’s P.O.V

I was standing at the front of the living room, all eyes were on me. I stood there awkwardly, waiting for Luke to introduce me to everyone.

“As some of you may or may not know, this is Alice Summers. She’ll be the new hair stylist for you guys throughout the season. If everyone could introduce themselves some time throughout the day and make her feel welcome, that would be great!” Luke smiled towards me and let everyone walk off to do their own thing.

I walked towards the food table almost instantly. What can I say, I hadn’t eaten all day. I started piling food on to a plate a politely sat myself away from everyone. No one needed to witness me eat.

I was about to eat when I realised I’d forgotten cutlery; if I was anywhere else I probably would’ve gone without it. But because I was in a crowd of people I would have to spend most of my time with, I decided against it. I put my plate down and got up towards the food table again, hoping to get what I needed and make a quick escape before anybody tried to talk to me.

Of course that didn’t work; I stumbled straight in to somebody causing us both to fall. I was lying right on top of a very attractive guy, being my usual self I became awkward almost immediately. I got up off him and offered him a hand, he took it and smiled.

“Uh I’m sorry about that, I needed cutlery” I slapped my face as stated the irrelevant.

“No, it’s fine”, He stuck his hand out to me, “I’m Will”

I shook it, “I’m Alice” I replied.

“Oh I know“, he laughed, “I like your shirt by the way”

I looked down to see what shirt I was wearing, the batman one.

I laughed at him, “Most people find this nerdy”

“Well I’m not most people” he winked and walked away. I just stood there, dumbfounded and confused by the whole conversation.

As he was a couple of meters away he turned, “I don’t think you ever ended up getting that cutlery” He smirked and kept walking.

I grabbed the cutlery and walked back to where I’d left my food, I sat down and ate. I had successfully spoken to someone without making an absolute fool of myself, hence absolute.

~I’m sorry if anyone reads this and is annoyed by the corniness, set up of the story or anything. I also apologise for saying I’d make Will a jerk but I didn’t ahaha his jerkiness will show in future chapters. Thank you for reading and please drop me a review saying what you think about it & Maybe share it? Xo~

~ooh btw it's short because I just wanted this to be a quick starter, prologue like thing before I write longer chapters, yea?~

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