Trollex and Coralie are 12 years old, Beat is 11, Synth is 10 and Bliss is 8.
Also, a small chapter for now.--------------------------------------------
It was a beautiful day in Techno Reef. Even though it was raining on land, the ocean creatures were unaffected by this as everyone were enjoying their morning. Everyone but one.
Prince Trollex.
The young prince woke up that morning with a fever and a sore throat. He was coughing and had trouble moving. His whole body was aching and he also had sudden urges to throw up every 10 minutes. As soon as he woke up, he started coughing uncontrollably and since all his muscles were aching, every time he moved his entire body was painfully burning.
Beat woke up the moment he heard the first set of coughs and left the room to go get King Thrill and Queen Alannah. And the Queen was in the room in a matter of seconds with everything the child might need while King Thrill abandoned his paperworks to go help his wife.
After 3 hours of trying to calm down the poor kid, who was crying from the pain almost the entire time, Trollex finally fell back asleep. His fever gone and the pain in his body was a lot less painful than earlier, thanks to painkillers. While he was asleep, Queen Alannah asked a doctor, a dark orange techno troll with red hair, eyes, heart, eyebrow, eyelashes and pixels on her tail, to examine the little Prince.
When the doctor had the results, she told them what he caught. "So, King Thrill and Queen Alannah, Trollex caught the flu. And his body is aching because of the virus wreaking havoc on his body's cells. He will need to rest a lot, avoid exercise, applying heat where it hurts and taking painkillers every four hours and he will be fine." She said, giving them stronger painkillers. "He'll need these. Also, please make sure he eats before taking them, or it could ruin his stomac. Also, the virus should leave his body in, give or take, between a few days or two weeks."
The King and Queen nodded and the doctor left the castle. King Thrill went back to his paperworks while his Queen was trying to prevent her other two babies from getting sick as well. Bliss, who was very attached to her older brother, wanted to see him, hug him and be there for him through it all. But the virus was highly contagious, so Queen Alannah was keeping her away from the door to Trollex's room. Which was making the little princess mad.
Synth on the other hand, was trying to think of something he could do to make his big brother feel better. So he decided to go see Coralie. Beat followed him, not wanting to get sick as well, though outside of Trollex's room there wasn't really any way he could get sick too but he was still affraid. So both of them arrived at Coralie's home and started to hang out in the girl's room.
"Trollex is sick?" She asked, worried for her friend. "Yeah... I thought it would be nice if we make him some gifts!" Synth replied. "Yeah! Maybe it'll make him feel better!" Beat exclaimed, smiling widely at the idea. "That's a great idea!" She said, smiling as well. "I'll write him a card first!" She took out her drawing supply and started drawing on a piece of paper. Or at least what they considered a piece of paper. Which was paper made out of mostly seaweed.
After finishing her little drawing on the cover front of the card, she started writing something. Something that ended up being what she wanted to tell him for a while now. Her feelings for him. Once she was done, she panicked a little bit. "Oh boy... I can't give him that one..." she said blushing, as she threw it to the side and started to make another one.
Unfortunately for her, Synth took it and hid it with his own card. But since Synth put too much glue on his, Cora's card got glued on the edges making it hard to open. And of course since the Techno Trolls' glue cannot dry out, it was sticking instantly to the part it was applied to.
So, when Trollex woke up and actually got a chance to read the cards, he saw that he got two from Cora but he couldn't open one. Instead, he kept it as a drawing that he stuck on his wall just above his small bookshelf, as well as his brother's and Beat's cards.
Synth, thinking his plan worked, was really disappointed to watch his sick big brother, from Trollex's window, taking the cards and just stick them up to his wall along with older drawings. He pouted and crossed his arms, frustrated.
"Oh, barnacle..."
That's it for now!! Hope you liked it :)

A Techno Troll Love story
RomanceRewriting... Please! If you like it, leave a like! Starting to the beginning, where two small guppy meet. Some shenanigans may happen! Cover and all other art is made by me! It's a love story that include my Oc. I hope you like it! Also Trollex is...