Acknowledgements & Suicidal Help

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Thank you to all of you who read "I'm Sorry." It was fun to write and imagine this world about Camila. And if you are wondering "Who's Camila based off of? Did you write it like you are her?" The answer is she's based off of no one. Some of the characters were based off of people. Like Sofia and Emilio. The most important person in the story (besides Camila) was Tomas. Thank you to the real Tomas (who's name isn't really Tomas) who has been the best "Heart Friend" anyone could ask for. I also would like to say my parents don't fight, but Mother and Father were based of off two "friends" who talk about each other behind each other's backs.
Suicidal Help
If you are feeling down and depressed please visit the following websites:


Or call one of the following numbers:
* National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
* This may look like a website, but if you go on it you can click on the state you live in and fined the nearest suicide prevention number:
* National Hopeline Network: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
* The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386

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