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"Get up Ava or you'll miss your school" mom screaming from downstairs.
I open my eyes a little, looked at the clock. It's 6:25. So I again rolled myself up in my soft and enough large blanket.
"I am not going to call you again"mom said with the anger in her voice.
" I'm up mum"I said in my half sleepy voice. I remove my blanket a little from my face as I always sleep covering my whole face with the blanket. I kept laying in my bed for a few minutes staring at the ceiling in my room. I just don't want to get up and repeating that same boring routine. So after a few minutes I gather some courage and got up from my bed. I stared myself in the mirror. Staring at my black- brownish long hair that comes till my waist. I have dark brown eyes with double eyelid, I don't like my eyes much, even though I often heard compliments about them.
I like my lips though. My smile also is okay okay for me. Overall I don't like my face much, for me if I don't have good lips, there is nothing good to see on my face.
Then after staring my face specially my lips for minutes, I tie my hair up in a bun then went to the washroom, took a hot shower as it is so cold outside for me because I get cold easily , if it's for my choice I will always carry a blanket with me but that's not possible. I slipped into that boring uniform, a grey skirt with white shirt and a dark grey coloured sweater. I wear long woolen socks. It's 7:20 now. I open my bun and my hair comes down sliding from my shoulders to my waist, I love watching my hair sliding like that, I think that's the main reason I kept my hair long and always refuse the thought to cut my hair short. I put some moisturizer, spf and also some lip tint.
I went downstairs where I see mum rushing around the table as she's getting late for her work.
"I am leaving Avi, don't forget to eat something before you go to school". She grab her keys and left. My dad and my little sister already went out for their work and school.
I made myself a quick coffee, took my vitamin pills and left. It's 7:45 and school starts at 8:00 .
My school is quite close from my house so I go on foot to there.
On my way, I saw some students of my school chit-chatting with their friends. I was just scrolling through my phone. I suddenly heard a strong manly voice, as I turn behind,

It's him, Aiden.

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