Chapter One :- The Candidate

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'words like this, Indicate a characters Thoughts and inner monologue'

"... M-.... " A faint voice could be heard over the sound of crashing waves, the smell of salt was in the air, And sand could be felt under foot.

The Voice finally Pierced though the crashing sounds of Waves as it uttered a name "Mika!" And with that sharp and audible, a man in his late teens with medium length hair that covered the back of his neck alittle small blonde patches reflecting the light of the setting sun.

But he wasn't the owner of the voice but was now looking over to it's source, a small Blonde teen ruffly around his age was looking at him with Concern visable in his Blue eyes and seeing that he has gotten the other males attention, his voice is heard again.

"You alright? you looked as if you'd left us for abit" he says with a small chuckle trying to hide his nervousness, which wasn't helped by the other males slow look over to reveal a matching set of darker blue eyes parted his lips to awnser the other male.

"Yeah... I just-" he cut his own words off to gain a small head tilt from the other male who was failing to hide his ever increasing Concern. "Just remembered something from when I was younger."

And with that the scene of the two males begins to fade in the sounds of a music box, turning slowly letting out a relaxing tune

'How are it's test results? Will it be suffient" in the darkness a voice of a much older man could be heard.

"The kids the same age as the other Candidates, and seems to be stable. Plus his results are improving every test" the sound of a younger man could be heard in the darkness, the urge to try and get any other type of sense becomes to much, and with the movement of a leg alerts the two other men.

"Looks like the box is wrapping up, he's coming too" as heavy eyelids opened they met bright white light almost instantly forcing them shut again, the doctors assistant moves the lamp and starts undoing some heavy leather straps.

as he did this crashing waves could be heard from a set of Barred windows, a dim glow of a setting sun was slithering through the bars. This is when the head researcher said the words that would chart the barely conscious and scarred Child fate on a path that was destined.

"Mika Peu." The disgust in the man's voice was obvious despite the man's attempt to contain it "For a disposable Rat, if you don't die. Your going to join the other Eldian Dogs along side the warriors, Don't disappointed" and with that more men enter the room dressed in white military clothes, who ruffly pick up the smaller boy and drag him outside the doctor following with a syringe.

The events that followed, are a blur of screams and taste and of a mentallic liquid was imprinted in the smaller boys mind.

This was how 'the corrupt' it was refered to before being redacted found it's Shifter, after that the boy awoke in a empty room with nothing but a bed and desk inside it.

The boy sat up rubbing his head, the same metallic taste was on his tongue as his door opened to 3 other children around the same age. One was blonde and had a Chisled face, the other was a thing boy taller then both his blonde companions with chocolate brown hair.

                      And lastly the smaller of the trio, a blonde girl her hair tied up but with enough out to hide bits of her face. The blue eyed boy stared at them in confusions not noticing he had instinctively got into a defensive position even though he was sat on the edge of the bed.

After a few moments of silence a boy slightly older walked in with short brown hair and a warm expression walked past the other three. "Hello there, Mika right?" He asked in response the other naturally nodded in response "I'm Marcel, guess I'm and these three are you new comrades. Now come on we where told to get you as your late for training" he said in a friendly way but clearly was impatient so the latter Mika, got out of bed and threw on a loose shirt that had tattered sleeves and followed Marcel and with that The other Three followed muttering to each other on if the new companion would be ready for the mission ahead.

The very mission where going back without completion would be suicide for Mika at least it's what he had been made for he'd been told something his Comrades discovered in training, granted at first he struggled in combat but once he learned the others more discovering their names. Riener,  Bertholdt and Annie, the two males where distant at first and small talk was as far as Mika could handle before frying out.

With Annie he managed to get along with most mimicking her combat stance slightly with his own twists and in conversation would be to the point. But the more time they spent with him the more they had gained some level of trust for the mission ahead, which only had two nights left till they would be dispatched to the island, but not just any island. To Mika all he knew was that Devil's roamed it but not who or what these devils looked like or why?

but he would learn soon enough as would all of them learn lessons in how the World is truly a Cruel place for children to roam free....

                           End of Chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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