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The chapter wasnt edited sorry for typos or any grammatical errors.


"C. Wake up! Meet me at my office in 30" The voice of my boss boomed through the speaker attached to my room. Well Im Cece or C i dont have a surname and i dont care im 17 years old and The far best hired killer anyone could find it may sound so surreal but its true. I kill for the living, never loved Loving is for the weak, never cried what for anyways because I killed more people than the population of the Vatican City? Nah. I snapped out of my thoughts and readied myself to meet the boss frankly i never saw his face he always wears mask and shit. I showered and combed my hair I decided to go comfy I wore galaxy short shorts, a blue hoodie and my black keds I took one last glance of my appearance and Im good to go. I ventured my way to the Boss' office I was near his doorstep when i streched my lips when you usually just wear a poker face every second, minute, hour of every day i get tired I never smile theres no reason to, A smirk or a sinister smile on my face only appears when Im on missions the missions I long for oh how I love it when there's blood trickling on my hands call me pyscho but thats how it is Well Let me get this clear im a CIA Agent i kill people not because i want to, i kill people who has done something unacepptable to the agency. This job completes me yeah. I stepped inside the office

"Good Morning C." the boss greeted me

"Whats my mission?" Clearly im irritated i dont like people doing small talk to me it makes me feel stupid i dont really know He tossed me the file

Name: Viniel Romano Ramirez

Age: 28 years old

Criminal Record: 30 Murders and 25 Cases of Rape, Drug Deals


Emotionally Unstable

"Do you want him six feet under later?" I asked He chuckled that means yes in his language.

"C hes not that easy to take down like you think hes one sneaky bastard."

"Oh rio i bet i can kick his ass!" I call him rio because he is misteRIOso He explained to me the details

*Later that night*

I was wearing a simple hoodie, leggings, and boots which i can easily hide gadgets to by gadgets i mean guns knifes and shit and i can move around easily. I need to meet Viniel or as i would like to call him the pyschopath fucked up little shit in an abandoned parking lot apparently he ordered drugs i think cocaine and some sort I stepped on the gas adrenalined rushing through my vein the sight of that bastard bloody and beated because of me made a smirk appear on my face as i thought of how i plan to kill him im so excited.

I reached the shitty rundown parking lot an saw him He had brown hair and brown eyes he had a perfectly sculpted face, had a growing stubble on his jawline, a well toned body (a/n: played byyyyyyyyyyyy Zac Efron) He was attractive too bad he is to stupid now he has to die. I stepped out of the vehicle to face the bastard i took my suitcase with powder in packets making it look like it was real cocaine i tossed it to him

"Arent you attractive miss?" He said

"Well arent you a cocky bastard? give me the money." I said

"Aww sweetie im afraid i wont." He said and I smirked

its on idiot He pulled out a gun aiming it at me Bitch its about to go down He pulled the trigger but i dodged the bullet and it failed to hit me. I took a hunters knife out resting on my boots and threw it at him hitting him in his arm which made him drop his gun I pulled my own hand gun out hiding on my hip as i quickly shot him on the ankle he lost his balance causing him to fall and hit his head on the concrete floor making him unconcious i had more suprises on my sleeve for him i wont kill him easily that would be boring. I dragged him inside my car and sped of slightly mad because his blood is staining my cushion I fastned my pace drifting, dodging cars to reach my house or an old warehouse in a middle of a forest fully packed with equipment and shit. Tying the guy on a chair in my torturing booth. Soon enough He stirred abit and popped his eyes groaning as pain inflicted his body

"Good Morning Boy!"

"What do you want from me? Where am i? Who are you?" He asked

"Well I want you dead, your in hell and im your worst nightmare." I whispered at his ear earning a chuckle wow He was really fucked up in the head He is laughing and he was about to die.

"Pretty boy what do you want the knife, the cleaver or the fork what do you want?"

"What are you gonna use them for?" He said smiling

"Well with the knife i am going to slice you part by part, with the cleaver i will chop of all your body parts and with the fork i am going to stab you, choose baby."

"I want the cleaver then you will chop me in little piece im so excited but first before i go with satan give me a kiss please." He was looking at me with a pleading look so i agreed one little kiss wouldnt hurt I leaned an pecked him on the lips.

"Now that your wish is granted lets get started! Where do you want first?" He was smiling like he really wanted this which is quite peculiar the fact that i will mince him to pieces doesnt worry him this would be alot of fun. I started chopping his legs, and arms then minced it in front of him he was clearly in pain but he was laughing his ass off for some reason he was bleeding so much so apparently he would die any minute now.

"Go to sleep pretty boy." I said as I stabbed him in the chest. I washed my hands and called my boss to dispose the boy's body He answerd at the fifth ring

"Hello C its 4 in the fucking morning why are you calling me?" He questioned me

"Oh nothing i just need you to dispose the son of bitch's body its getting my house dirty."

"You just killed someone and your worrying about it getting your house dirty unbelievable."

"Well I couldnt care less just pick him up." I was growing more irritated the more he questioned me well so what its not new to me at all.

"Okay okay be there in 10." He muttered then hung up.



She killed someone omg i was literally shaking writing this chapter

Its 3 am here and I couldnt sleep i am scared shitless I watched some scary shit on tv now im still up yaaaaay!

Did i do good? Sorry its a bit short im not yet in my comfort zone but ill try my best

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peace, love and pizzzaaaaaaaa♥

Till next time,

-kittykath xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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