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A/N; Edited to fit kingdom lore better.

   HollyBerry Cookie rummaged through her luggage as the carriage bumped along the rocky road. She was unsure she had packed everything she needed for a 3 day stay and was a bit distressed about it, counting all her clothes and hygiene items.

She had been invited by Dark Cacao Cookie to his kingdom to discuss their army's and possible trades to be made between the two kingdoms. Both flourished in natural materials both lacked, it was important that they both had all to ensure the safety and health of their citizens.

She inhaled, the air prickled her lungs. It was cold in this kingdom, she pulled on her overcoat, placing all her items back into the suitcase. She turned to the window behind her, pulling it open, cold air hit her face.

"Excuse me, sir." She yelled to the driver, it was windy. "When are we due to arrive?" She couldn't hold her eyes open, she turned rubbing her eyes.

The driver turned, still staying in perfect control of the overgrown cakehounds. He smiled softly at HollyBerry, adjusting his goggles. "In a few minutes, your Highness." The sugar gnome turned back to the road as soon as her heard her sound of approval and the window closing.

HollyBerry quickly gathered her papers, shoving them into a briefcase, decorated in pretty pink stickers and drawings, thanks to her Granddaughters. She closed the case, gathering her suitcases, pulling them up besides her as she got ready to get out. The Sugar Gnome driver had just pulled into the kingdom, heading through the roads to the very castle itself.

The citizens seemed quite gloomy and dark compared to her carriage. The adults looked at it as if disgusted and the children pointed. Jumping up and down as they pointed, quite amazed as they had never seen such color before. The Gnome waved at the children as they passed, quite happy to bring them joy just by existing.

Soon enough, all signs of citizen life disappeared, turning into the castles walls. Guards stood by as a welcoming committee, quite fancy their uniforms were. Clad in wonderful robes of black silk and silver armor, dyed a dark grey, gleaming against the reflection of the snow. They held swords by their sides, a beautiful hilt, two dragons carved into the top of it. Of the South and North. Dark Cacao told of the founding of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, he had ended the battle of the two on this very ground. Interesting, they'd have to ask more.

They came to a stop, pulled in-front of the main entrance of the castle. Large, dark doors, pulled open to reveal part the main hall. Dark purple banners hanging from the ceiling, the kingdoms symbols weaves into the fabric. The glimpse of tapestries hanging from the walls, showing Dark Cacao and his predecessors victories in war and overall grand accomplishments. The walls were a wonderful purple color with intricate designs on the wallpaper. The Sugar Gnome shook his head to break the trance he was in, hopping down from the seat to hurry over and open Hollyberrys door, he quickly apologized to her, pulling away to grab her stuff and hurry up the steps were Dark Cacao and his son waited.

The Groom had hurried from the castle, going to take the Carriage and overgrown cakehounds to the stables. The Sugar Gnome was guided by a servant to Hollyberrys room.

Hollyberry came to a stop in-front of the two, curtsying. Dark Cacao and Dark Choco returned to gesture by bowing. They straighted up and Dark cacao turned, walking into the castle were more guards lined the halls. Dark Choco, quickly turned, startled at his fathers swiftness, speed walking to follow behind him. Holly walked into the castle as well, the guards closing the doors behind her.


Brb committing murder

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