Chapter Thirteen: The Cave Of Admers

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The rain was hard and cold and their faces, but the touch of the Admers skeleton hand was colder. Jacob had no idea where they were carrying them to, but for once in this entire journey, he was afraid.
The Admers flew them into a cave that was dark and gloomy cave. Inside, were thousands of Admers, the creatures were screeching and eating what looked like dead fish bones.
It was cold and wet in the cave and the Admers threw Mila,Welk and Jacob on the rock hard ground. They picked themselves up and shuddered at the cold and took in the realization of where they where. The Admers were to distracted on what ever they were doing that they didn't notice them. Slowly they walked off but were stopped by the shrill of one of the Admers. It floated down to them and spoke in a small hiss.
"Who brought you?" It said searching them.
"We brought here by you." Welk said trying to hide behind Jacob.
"Only criminals and wrong-doers come here."
"Why are they brought here." Mila said
"Because they were wronged in the eyes of the sorcerer."
"You mean Marealis." Jacob said as the Admers started to shriek again.
"They are sent here to die, and since you are hear-".
The Admers surrounded them. They reached out their Skelton hand and had Jacob in their grasp.
"STOP." Yelled a voice from above the cave. It was a tall man who held a staff with a crystal orb at the end, it was Marealis.
"Bring them here."

Sorry for the short chapter, but more is coming. Don't forget to comment and like. Thanks.

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