A wake up call.

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"Traveler!" you hear as you look behind you to see where the tall ginger's voice had come from. "Oh Childe, why hello there" you reply with a small smile forming in your expression. He had sat down beside you, putting his arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner. "Any plans for today Comrade?" I nod in reply. "I have to help Qiqi gather some herbs later and I've also got a meeting with Jean in mondstat als-" he cuts you off with a loud sigh "You're always so busy my friend, ever thought of taking a break?" "Not really, when given a job I try my best to do it." He stood up, gave me his hand and pulled me up.

"Then today is your day off. Take a break with me traveler!" "Childe I can't. I shouldn't keep Qiqi waiting" He had ignored my comment and dragged me along to whatever location he had in mind. We soon reached a lake, almost like it was glowing under the sun's gaze. It was peaceful and there was no sign of any monsters in sight. "Tell me about your day, I'm all ears" Childe said, a warm smile on his face.

I just smiled in response and gave in. "Well Id started by going to Inazuma to do a task for my friend Miss Kamisato, and then I did some other tasks provided by the guild" Id went on

For hours, talking to Childe about my day. The entire time he'd listened patiently with a smile on his face. At this point it had become night, I was tired and slurring on my words slightly. He had just chuckled and picked me up. "Shall we go to the inn?" I shook my head and held onto him tightly.

However, I fell asleep before I could decline him anymore. I awoke to a soft cover over me along with some fluffy pillows. I look around the room to see some clothes scattered around the floor, along with some small trinkets on the bedside table beside me. "You're awake I see" he sat down beside me and set some tea on the bedside table along with a few sweets. "You went unconscious so I brought you to where I'm staying while here in Liyue" I just nodded, still slightly hazy due to just waking up and I sip the tea.

"So.. your next journey I heard shall be Sumeru correct? Time sure has flew" he'd let out a nervous chuckle, trying to start a conversation. "Of course. I need to find my sibling"

He had gone silent before speaking again "what if you do find Them?" I thought for a second before replying. "Then I suppose I'd go home" his expression looked hurt, as if the idea pained him. "Childe are you okay?" he nodded, still no more words willing to escape his lips.

"You seem upset" he'd sighed before speaking again "of course. One day you'll leave. I, in no way, could ever doubt your abilities. You'd most likely find them sooner or later and then leave" he had a point. One day I'd most likely be with my sibling once more then travel to another world. Leaving everyone here behind.

The idea had started to pain me too. The friends I've made, the adventures I've been through. Would one day be replaced by friendships and adventures in another world. "I understand why you'd be upset but I have no reason to stay here any longer once I'm back with them" his face grew sour. "Traveler, I insist you stay with me. I strongly dislike the idea of you leaving me" once again a pause before he resumed "If you were to leave then who would I be able to spare with?" I looked at him, a small smile appears in his expression.

"What do you mean by that?" I say, in a teasing manner. He just sighed before holding out my hand and placing a small shiny pearl in it. "I planned to give this to you a while ago but never had the courage. Don't forget me will you?" He felt off, something wasn't right with him but I just sighed and hugged him. He seemed to relax in my hold and soon held me in return. "There's not really any easy way to say it Traveler" he paused before speaking again. "I believe you've had a strong effect on me. To where I can even say Im in love with you"

I took a second to process what he said before looking at him, shocked. He soon tried to avoid the situation and attempted to change the topic. "You can leave whenever you please but first allow me to make breakfast" He sat up but I grasped his wrist and pulled him back. I stood up with him and hugged him. I wasn't able to speak at this point so I attempted to show him in actions. He just chuckled and hugged me back once again. He reached over to the edge of the bed and gripped his grey, familiar jacket and threw it over my shoulders.

"Come see me once you're ready Traveler" He left to the kitchen, leaving me to my own devices. I put on his jacket and looked at the pearl. It was shiny and a beautiful shade of blue, it reminded me of the time in the golden house when Childe proceeded to summon a huge whale which almost crushed me. I giggled at the thought. To think me and him had come so far from then. I walked over to follow the very pleasant smell which I could only assume was Childe's cooking. "It smells great," I said, walking over to him.

He seemed happy by my comment and passed a plate to me. I wanted to bring up our conversation from a few moments ago but didn't know how to start. Thankfully he seemed to also wish to bring it up and did so. "So, I haven't ruined your thoughts on me have I?" I shook my head. "You nor I can control our feelings. No one can, even If they try they could never hide it fully." he nods in agreement before speaking again "If I could be so greedy as to ask, would you ever consider it?" "what?" I look at him confused as I sit down with my breakfast. "Consider us together?" me with a fatui? a fatui harbinger out of all fatui, It would surely gain me a bad reputation in liyue, and even one in mondstat or inazuma if word got out.

Although Childe was most likely the friendliest of the fatui he still had a bad reputation too.

But to be truthful It wasn't like I'd be joining the fatui by dating him and at heart he was truly a kind person. I knew he'd never wish true harm towards me. I soon agreed and The smile on his face when I did so was adorable. I couldn't help but smile too. A few weeks passed by. I met with Childe as usual every week at the golden house where we either spared or talked about our days and anything new. "Traveler?" I looked up to him, I was sitting between him while he was hugging me from behind, resting his chin against my shoulder. "Yes?" "your choker. Is that the pearl I gave you a few weeks ago?"

I nodded happily. "I asked Miss Lisa in mondstat if she could make me something creative to wear with it and she had come up with this. It matches my outfit and looks pretty" he just smiled, hugging me tighter. "It looks stunning Comrade, you look outstanding." he kisses my shoulder and just hums happily into my neck. I giggled, holding onto his arms around me. He was definitely going to make things harder for me. Perhaps staying in teyvet was the right move after all. I'd traveled to so many worlds, perhaps he was the wake up call I needed to finally figure out where my permanent home would be.

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