Do I Like Boys?

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     Linhardt was leaving Hannemans old study, that he reclaimed to himself, starting to walk to his room. He was up late trying to make sense of something he was reading, but decided struggling to keep his sleepy eyes open wasn't worth it when he could continue working the next day.

     He was walking down the stairs, going left to make his way to the dorms. Walking past the training grounds and taking another left, he felt like he was going to fall asleep while walking. It was the middle of the Horsebow Moon, so the weather was getting colder, leaving this night freezing. Not a cloud was in the sky, though, as the stars twinkled along side the bright cresent moon. Linhardt could see his breath as he hugged himself a bit, a cold breeze blowing his hair off his shoulders and onto his back.

     "I should start bringing my blanket with me.." He said to himself out loud, shivering and longing for his warm bed.

     Just as he reached the steps, walking down to the second row of dorms, taking a right and walking on the steps in front of his dorm, someone called out.

     "Linhardt!" He heard, a far too familiar voice yell from across the way. It sounded like it came from the training grounds.

     He looked over, to see Caspar running down the path towards him. Linhardt sighed, hugging himself still and turning to face Caspar, watching the boy jump down the stairs and land in front of him.

     "What do you need, Caspar?" he asked, in an almost annoyed tone. He was so excited to go sleep, but now his sleep was being postponed the longer Caspar stood there.

     "Something, um... Happened..? And I am. confused? And I... I want to talk to you. about it." Caspar said, in almost a nervous way.

     "Could it wait for tomorrow?" Linhardt asked, a yawn at the back of his throat soon escaping as he covered his mouth, his eyes watering from how long it lasted. The cold air didn't help his watering eyes, either, "I am terribly tired," He spoke into the yawn, "And it is also freezing out here."

     "We could... go into your room! I'd... Rather talk about it as soon as possible. So no, it can't wait." Caspar said, grabbing Linhardts freezing hand and pulling him towards his room.

     Feeling Caspars warm hand against his made him hold back almost instantly, bringing his other hand to his as well, "Well, fine. But I can not promise I won't fall asleep while you are talking."

     "Could you try your best not to?" Caspar asked, seeming almost desperate, opening Linhardts door and walking in with him, closing the door behind him. His voice sounded more serious than Linhardt was used too.

     "...If you insist, I will try my best." Linhardt said, walking over and grabbing a box of matches, lighting the candles around his room, "What is it, then?"

     Linhardts room was set up differently than how it was five years ago; His bed was set against his window, the headboard being against the wall to the right of the window, and a bookshelf set against the wall next to the footboard. He had a large cabinet used as a closet on the wall to the left, and his desk was next to his bed on the right. He had a small circle table with two chairs next to the cabinet and his bookshelf. There was also a soft, circular, green rug in the middle of the room to help fill up space. Though, the books still littering the floor helped fill up space, too.

     The books were mainly collected around the bookshelf and small table, some even on the chairs and end of his bed. His bed wasn't cleaned up, either; There was a big green comforter wrinkled and against the wall, a white sheet crumbled against it, and his white fitted sheet was starting to come off the mattress. The pile of white pillows at the head of his bed were placed randomly, one even falling off onto the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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