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A twenty-six year old woman named Sameera, was walking to her college. She was wearing a white uniform. As she was walking, a whole crowd of people was running towards the gate. Sameera was confused. She asked around what's happening , the people pointed towards the college and said " There" , that's all they said.
Sameera wanted to follow the crowd. She wants to go with the majority. But her legs had other plans. Her mind screamed at her 'Turn back, follow the crowd' but no. It was like some unknown force was pulling her. So, she started running the opposite way. She ran towards the college. She entered the corridors. She took a right and ran. There was a turn, after a while. The turn was left and left only. She turned but she slipped when she ran. She looked at what made her slip.

It was blood!

Her white uniform having blood stains.
The blood was all over her. She was grossed out. Her first instinct was to look up. There she saw........................

Three girl students of the college,all of them in their uniforms, all hung up on a rope. They were dead.
Suicide was all Sameera could think before.......

There was Sameera on her bed panting. She had sweat all over her. Her two year old daughter was sleeping with a slight snore. She understood she had a nightmare.
A horrible nightmare.
She drank some water and restlessly turned and turned not being able sleep due to the adrenaline rush she had. She looked at her clock. Time three a.m .
At five o'clock, she finally had some sleep.

Sameera woke up at eight. Her daughter already up and playing with her parents and 14 year old brother. She looked at the newspaper and there was the headline -

"Three college students of college St John's died of suicide. Bodies found at two o'clock in the morning"

(Insert picture of three girls in the same white uniform of Sameera's college)


The chapter cover is mine

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