Chapter 1

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Mia's POV

Cold. Uh. I am so tired of it. Every night as I try to get warm, I feel it. Stretching it's icing fingers around my body and causing me to shiver until the light of the sun comes in through the cracks of the broken window glass.

My name is Mia. Mia who? I dunno. I remember crawling out of a beautiful glittering basket and crawling along a sidewalk until I stopped at a strange looking house. I crawled to the door which had been sealed off with many boards. I looked at it for a while until I noticed a small hole where I could crawl through. I was around 3-4 at the time. I had gotten inside and eaten things out of the neighborhood's trash cans. I drank from the water vapor in the air by gathering it together in my hands to make a sphere of water. I slept on a bed in the abandoned house with a very thin blanket. When people try to approach me I run away. I still do today. I am scared of what they will do to me. I even get up real early to make sure almost no one can see me.

Some of my first memories were looking through the window from the top floor when kids walking home from school went into the street to avoid the sidewalk next to the house where I lived.

No wonder they did now that I think about it. The sides of the house were barren with dark wood that creaked. Most of the windows were broken and had cracks (Most were boarded up). It does look pretty creepy.

The only thing that I enjoy about the place that I live is the roof. Most of it is normal, slanted sides go down toward the sides of the house. However, there is a flat spot in the middle of the roof where there is a hatch that connects to the attic. I loved to go out there when it rained.

Water calms me. It makes me feel alive. It keeps me company. Talking to me in it's own language. I could make it turn into different shapes, and sometimes, when I was especially lonely, I would sleep outside in a cocoon of water.

Right now I am doing my daily routine:

Eat leftover banana or something else (Look in trash can)

Drink leftover water (I store it in a big bowl outside)

Do daily walk around neighborhood (behind all houses)

Go back to house

Drink more leftover water

Rest and relax until bedtime

I ran over to the trashcan on my left. I choose a different one every day so no one gets suspicious. I fished out some leftover pancakes. Jackpot! As I ate, my platinum blonde hair fell forward. I pushed it behind my ear. Sometimes bobs can be so annoying!

I turned back towards the trash can and looked at my reflection. My indigo eyes glinted and really popped out of my pale skin complexion. Most indigo eyes look purplish or bluish, but not mine! Mine were almost rainbow, and when the light hit it it seemed to change colors. I finally started to walk back to my house as I suddenly stopped.

Right in front of the house next to mine was a tall looking teenager. He had silver-blue eyes with pitch black hair with silver tips. Then I noticed he was looking right at me.

Tam's POV

When I first arrived at the small, barren neighborhood I thought, Wow Sophie, you got some news from Mr. Forkle and without bothering to tell me the reason just saying "go here and look for a little kid because she's an elf!"

Then, she had just shoved me into the light and I had leaped there without a second to think about what just happened. I had been at her house with Linh because she wanted me to talk about anything I had learned about the Neverseen while I was with them.

Edaline told us to wait in the dining room and have some Mallowmelt while Sophie finished her chat with Mr. Forkle. Linh had hugged me for 10 minutes straight before she let me go to breathe a little when I had first got back.

I had finally been able to escape from the Neverseen before they did Keefe's legacy. I hate that guy. However, whatever Gisela was planning, even I don't want that big of a thing happening to him.

All of a sudden, when Linh and I were mid conversation, Sophie burst in through the door, her face really pale. Before I could ask I was whisked away and I saw Sophie whispering something to Linh before she told me to go here. The only information that I have is to bring this kid back to the Lost Cities and that she had weird eyes.

Like yours?! I thought as I pictured Sophie's brown eyes while all other elves's eyes are some sort of blue.

I walked down a path with parallel cracks every now and then right next to a black hard surface a bit below it. I walked a couple houses down and stopped to look around.

There were many nice houses, or I believed to be nice for human houses from the information that Sophie gave me.

However, there was one house that drew my attention.

The first reason was that there were a lot of shadows there. I could feel the whispering of them from a great distance away. The second reason was the state it was in. It was clearly unused and very broken. The shadows urged me to come closer so I did.

But that's when I saw her. A small girl, about 5 or 6, was crouching next to a trash can looking at it. I looked back towards the other neighborhood houses. No one. But when I turned back, she was looking right at me. Her eyes were rainbow I tell you! They just changed from blue to green to brown to purple! So weird. But that's not the strangest part. Her eyes are the roundest eyes I have ever seen. But now I gotta figure out how to tell her she's an elf.

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