In a big house lived a crew
Dragon girl who is a great friend squid rhino and hunter girlThey are in a land and there is fire everywhere.
Dragon girl with her diamond axe hunter girl with her bow in one hand and arrow in the outher rhino put on his diamond horn. "Why is this land burning", asked Dragon Girl. "I don't now", replied g-raf. Across a river there was a purple figure. "What is that",asked squid?"it looks like a porthole", replied g-raf. "Let's split rhino your with me hunter girl you are with dragon girl", said g-raf. and squid you are well just wiggle your tenticals", said rhino.Then they set of and got wood,string and made a bridge.They sharpened there weapons.They grabbed hold of the bridge and put it on the river but a bunch of beavers ate the bridge. "Why don't I fly you guys over", said dragon girl. "Are you shore you can", said g-raf. "Yes", said dragon girl. So she flew them over but there where flying goblins so hunter girl took out her bow and arrow and shot them down. They reached the outher side and !!! THEN!!!
To be continued