Chapter One

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"Fable!" Koy's voice rang loud, still scratchy presumably from the water he'd taken in when he'd fallen off the ship. "Come on, come on" Fable mutters under her breath, the skiff she'd taken from the dark haired boy barely catching wind. "Fable!" he shouts again, and she couldn't help but glance up. Dark blood ran down his head and neck as he ran across the rough sand towards her. 

"Fuck, come on" She urged, the skiff finally caught wind and the redhead sailed towards the barrier islands, hoping for any sight of the Marigold. Koy continued to follow her, screaming obscenities and threats, and soon she feared those threats would be her reality. 

The winds that had pushed her away from Jevali were slowing, and with it the skiff followed. "What now Fable? No West to save you. No weapon. Nothing but you and I and we both know that's not an even fight" Koy's voice was harsh and filled with certainty that Fable knew was warranted. She was small for a dredger but she was also thin and she may be strong enough to swing a pick but she'd never fought before. Koy could beat her in a heartbeat. 

She wondered for a moment why he dwelled on West so much, she'd never spoken with West outside of trading. Yes, he'd only traded with her but it didn't make sense for Koy to focus on him this much when he was trying to kill her. 

Fable is quickly pulled out of her thoughts as Koy grunts, starting to pull himself up onto the ship. "Shit" she mutters to herself, looking for any way to get away from him. Away from Jevali, anywhere really. 

Left with no other choice, Fable peels off her top layer, making sure her small bag of Pyre and coin was secure before she made the jump from the skiff. The water was cold at night so far away from Jevali, a cold Fay hadn't quite expected but nonetheless she began swimming, hoping to get a head start on Koy. He'd already dropped back into the water but she'd 

Catching up faster than Fable anticipated, Koy yanks hard on her ankle hard and pulls her head under. She fights hard, kicking, scratching, and pulling on any part of him that she could reach as she holds her breath, but she'd not had enough time to get air, she wouldn't hold it for much longer. "He's not gonna drown me. There's no way he'll drown me, I'm not gonna-" As panic started to set in Fable starting fighting harder, struggling to hold her breath.

As Fable digs hard into Koy's eyes with her fingers he reflexively lets go, cool air filling the smaller girl's lungs. She starting hitting his earlier wound repeatedly, the blood had crusted to his head or washed away but it came off on her hands and tinted the water around them pink as she swam towards the shore. 

"Get back here Fable, you're not getting away from this" Koy snap, swimming towards her. "Get away from me! It's just some pyre and if you murder me you'll never find it" Fable shouts, pulling herself up onto the sand. "WEST" She shouts, the top of the Marigold barely visible. "WEST! WEST WAKE UP WAIT" She screams, the sound tearing through her throat that was dried from all of the salty water she'd taken in. 

"He's not gonna be able to save you when I get my fucking hands on you Fable" Koy shouts from far behind her, but a dark form approached the end of ship as the dark haired boy spoke. "WEST HELP" Fable exclaims, "Please" She begs, reaching the side of the ship and leaning up. 

The girl that occupied the ship leaned the safety ladder down with a harsh look, and Fable climbed up onto the ship, but West's form was quick to show up behind her. As soon as she saw him the scarred girl had a jeweled dagger pressed against the front of Fable's neck, causing her to suck a tight breath in. 

"What are you doing?" West demands, "Get off my ship" Fable wasn't exactly surprised by the older man's refusal, but the words still  hurt. "Fifty-two coppers and two good pieces of Pyre for passage" She begged. "We're traders, we don't sell passage" West practically growls, though everybody there knew it was a lie. 

Koy continues to pace below, "Come onnn Fable" he practically sings, the anger in his voice getting clearer and clearer. Fable hands West the purse "52 coppers and two pieces of Pyre come on West please" she begs, but he practically shoves it back at her. "Get off my ship before I make you" he snaps. 

Fable looks down at Koy, "Fine. There's at least one helmsman on this dock that will take 52 coppers" she snaps, hot tears filling her eyes. West had been her only hope and she prayed he'd change his mind at her bluff, but he only glared, watching her leave. Watching her walk back down to the man that was out to kill her. 

A/N this was fun to write I might not finish, but I'm enjoying it so far. 
I promise that Fable and Koy will have more pleasant interactions in the future. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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