The Start of Spooky Night Funkin

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It was a Spooky night outside. Everyone was enjoying their time, wearing costumes, eating some candy and making good friends.

You woke up to the sound of lightning and thunder coming from the window. You got up from your bed and smiled.

"It's a Spooky Month!" You said as you did your spooky dance. You never get tired of doing the spooky dance. And you absolutely love it!

After you did your spooky dance, you head downstairs and head outside. You see the house lights inside and the shiny stars lighting up in your eyes. You smiled at yourself. There is no problem with having fun for the Spooky Month.

You noticed something on the ground right next to your feet. Curious, you pick it up and open it.

Inside was a letter from your best friend, Skid.

It says: Hey Pump! It is the Spooky Month! I just come by to your house to give you this letter. If you're reading this, there is something Spooky beyond this portal in the spooky forest. Come meet me by the stage and I'll show you!

P.S. It's the Spooky Month!

You smiled to yourself. Skid gave you the letter and now something spooky awaits you in the spooky forest. But why?

Moving it aside, you begin to head outside and find that portal somewhere in this Spooky forest. Not before noticing Boyfriend and Girlfriend along.

"Hey Boyfriend and Girlfriend!" You waved to them as you head over to the two.

Boyfriend: Beep skeebep! Beep bop? (Heya Pump! How are you?)

"I'm good! How about you?"

Girlfriend: We're doing good. Where's Skid?

"He must have been somewhere, but it'll be a fun Spooky Month!" You said with a happy smile.

Boyfriend patted you on the head.

Boyfriend: Beep. Bo beep bop, skebeep bop beep. Bap beep! (Pump. If you're lucky, you can be a Rapper. A Spooky Rapper!)

"Really?!" You said. Your eyes begin to spark with stars.

Girlfriend: Of course sweetie! That's what you wish for Pump. Becoming a Spooky Rapper and rap battle against your opponents for fun!

You begin to smile more and then with excitement, you start to head to the spooky forest to see if Skid is here so you can tell him the good news.

Girlfriend: Will he do it by any chance, Boyfriend?

Boyfriend: Beep bop! Skebeep bop bep bop beep bo bop, beep. (Of course! Pump's one spooky boi and so is Skid, too.)

Searching though the spooky forest, you see something on the ground. It's a trail leading to the Spooky portal. You couldn't believe it. Someone put it here for you and Skid, making a surprise for you both.

Skid must have gone through the portal. So, you must go through it just like Skid did. You feel scared, but you're determined to do it. So you jump into the Spooky portal and your Spooky adventure begins here.

* The start of your adventure fills you with Determination.

Spooky Night Funkin - Pump's Spooky Rap Battle AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now